Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Tips Menulis Artikel Blog dengan Post Checklist

Menulis artikel di blog pada umumnya relative mudah, namun beberapa kesalahan sering dilakukan. Post Checklist adalah beberapa tips untuk membuat tulisan artikel anda menjadi lebih menarik dan unik. Istilah ini saya buat sendiri karena kebanyakan dari mereka dalam membuat konten banyak yang mengabaikan beberapa kesalahan mencolok dan benar-benar melewatkannya.
seo checklist for post
Posting ini mungkin dapat anda bookmark atau bahkan diprint. Menjadi blog yang professional memang sangat sulit, namun apakah sulit menjadi seorang penulis artikel handal serta mempunyai kualitas? Yuk, jadikan konten artikel blog anda unik, segar, ceria, dan kreatif.

 Beberapa tips dan hal yang harus diperhatikaan saat membuat artikel :

1. Grammar dan Ejaan
Benar kan? Tentu iya. Begitu banyak orang mempublikasikan artikel secepat mungkin ketika telah selesai mengetik sebuah kata atau kalimat terakhir pada artikelnya. Hal yang paling dilupakan adalah melakukan cek terhadap setiap kata, ejaan, dan grammar penulisan bahasa yang benar.

Pada dasarnya di setiap program pengolah kata terdapat koreksi otomatis mengenai setiap penulisan kata yang baku atau tidak. Tidak hanya itu, Blogger dan Wordpress juga menyediakan fasilitas tersebut yang kita sadari.
Cobalah anda membuat sebuah artikel baru di blog, kemudian ketik beberapa kata / kalimat. Anda akan melihat garis lekuk merah dibawah setiap huruf text yang anda tulis. Taukah anda apa fungsi dari garis berlekuk-lekuk tersebut?
AutoCorrect ejaan terdapat dalam setiap text editor yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui beberapa jumlah kesalahan yang anda buat. Di dalam setiap paragraf yang anda tulis, itu akan dikoreksi otomatis sampai anda membuat paragraf selanjutnya. Apabila saat menekan tombol ENTER tidak terlihat garis berlekuk merah, berarti tulisan anda sudah dikoreksi dan selesai.

Tetapi ingat, pada saat anda masih di paragraf yang auto correct nya aktif, kata yang tidak memiliki garis berlekuk merah adalah ejaan yang salah. Anda akan sangat terbantu dengan ini, tinggal melihat dengan sekilas bisa dengan mudah mengoreksi setiap baris kata yang dibuat sebelum mempublikasikannya. Namun, setelah berganti paragraf, maka auto correct ini akan segera aktif di paragraf selanjutnya/baru.

Menulis postingan di dalam menu Post Blogger akan lebih baik dibandingkan mengoreksi mereka semua di tempat text editor lain atau bahkan mengoreksi dan membacanya satu persatu.

Di dalam menulis, pastikan Ejaan dan Grammar yang digunakan tepat berdasarkan bahasa wilayah anda.

2. SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )
Semoga anda telah memiliki plugins SEO atau tema SEO jika anda menggunakan blog Wordpress. Sebagian besar alat tersebut memungkinkan anda mengedit judul dan deskripsi meta. Mungkin anda akan terbantu dengan plugins tersebut untuk mempermudah artikel anda masuk ke mesin pencari.

Bagi yang tidak menggunakan seperti di Blogger, dalam menulis artikel perhatikan dan lakukan dua buah tips berikut :
  • Jika anda menginginkan peringkat dan kata kunci khusus, pastikan itu adalah kata kunci yang ada pada judul posting dan urutan di kata sebelumnya. Itu jauh lebih baik.
  • Pastikan kata kunci yang anda target ada di dalam kalimat pertama dari posting Anda. Sekali lagi, sebelumnya lebih baik.

3. Readability ( Keefektifan bacaan )
Cara terbaik untuk memastikan postingan Anda mudah dibaca adalah dengan membaca keras-keras kepada diri sendiri dan menyuruh orang lain membaca untuk dinilai apakah sudah efektif atau tidak. Anda akan menangkap semua ungkapan serta tulisan canggung pada artikel anda akan tampak baik-baik saja seperti yang anda tulis.

Readability memiliki 3 buah bagian penting yaitu :
  • Mudah, Tidak berbeli-belit
  • Kata kata dan kalimat yang koherensi
  • Struktur Paragraf
 Cara untuk membuat artikel anda menjadi menarik dan lebih mudah dibaca pada kalimat dan tingkat paragraf adalah
  • Gunakan kata-kata sesingkat mungkin, kecuali jika anda perlu menjelaskan sebuah makna yang dibutuhkan dan makna tersebut berasal dari istilah atau kata-kata yang lebih besar.
  • Tuliskan kalimat sesingkat mungkin. Dalam membuat satu buah kalimat, jangan terlalu banyak menggunakan kata-kata. Rekomendasi paling baik adalah 9-22 kata pada setiap kalimat.
  • Menulis paragraf sesingkat mungkin. Konten artikel di blog berbeda dengan sebuah cerita, novel, buku atau dokumen. Tulislah hanya 1-3 kalimat pada setiap paragraf dan jangan sampai lebih.
  • Gunakan poin-poin untuk daftar 3 buah item atau lebih.
  • Gunakan subheadings (H2 atau H3) untuk memecah teks dan menyediakan ruang putih agar terlihat rapih.
Untuk cara yang lebih objektif untuk menguji keterbacaan postingan blog anda, dapat menggunakan sebuah readability tes. Perlu diingat, terkadang beberapa text tulisan anda juga membuatnya tidak cukup mudah untuk dibaca. Jangan khawatir dengan hal ini, karena semua orang pada industri anda / niche sudah tau Jargon, sehingga tidak akan tampak rumit bagi mereka sama sekali.

Jika anda memiliki tujuan yang baik di dalam pikiran, berikan ide tersebut dan berbagi pada orang lain. Maka, pembaca akan tersentak untuk melakukan sesuatu jika memang artikel yang anda berikan itu bagus, berkualitas dan berguna.

Dalam Post Checklist ini terdapat 8 buah kriteria.
  • Grammar dan Ejaan
  • SEO
  • Readability
  • Strong Lead
  • Link
  • Permalink
  • Gambar
  • Pertanyaan, Jawaban, Pendapat, Saran, dan Fakta

Kriteria lainnya dalam tips ini akan dibahas pada artikel yang sama Jilid 2. Media Blogger juga sedang membangun blog baru yang disediakan khusus untuk mendidik anda dari pemula hingga menjadi seseorang yang besar dan blog yang mampunya kriteria ciri khas. Kunjungi pada 3 September 2013, saat ini server domains sedang diatur. Terimakasih.

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Upload File CSS, Javascript, HTML di Host Google Drive

Google terus melakukan perubahan guna kenyamanan pengguna serta peningkatan efektifitas sistem. Googlecode merupakan tempat untuk melakukan upload file dengan berbagai jenis seperti CSS, JS (Javascript) , HTML, jQuery, dan sebagainya. Namun ketika anda pergi ke Google Code sekarang, Menu download sudah tidak ada lagi sehingga fungsi untuk upload file ke browser pun hilang. Proyek-proyek yang telah dibangun sebelumnya tetap akan masih tersimpan dan dapat digunakan.
Anda bisa dengan mudah mengupload kode css, ataupun javascript pada web anda. Caranya adalah dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas Google Drive. Google Drive akan mempermudah kita dengan banyaknya Aplikasi yang disediakan oleh Google , mulai dari Pengolah kata , Pengolah angka , Formulir , Presentasi , Pemutar Lagu , Video , Pembuatan Contact Form + Upload File (Integrasi dengan JOTFORM) , terus Alat konversi File , dan masih banyak lagi.

Berikut panduan, Tutorial cara mengupload file css, javascript di Google Drive Hosting :
1. Go to Googledrive on your browser.
2. Lalu jika anda adalah pengguna baru silahkan Login lewat email Gmail anda dan Buatlah satu buah folder sebagai tempat untuk menyimpan proyek file file penting anda. Caranya click CREATE.
3. Setelah folder jadi, klik logo icon Upload berwarna merah seperti gambar ini
upload di googledrive
4. Pilih File.
5. Cari document anda yang akan diupload.
6. Tunggu hingga proses unggah selesai yang ditampilkan pada bagian kanan bawah layar desktop anda.
7. Klik SHARE.
8. Copy link yang disediakan, paste di notepad terlebih dahulu.
9. Pada bagian Privacy, klik CHANGE. Mengubah privacy bertujuan untuk bagaimana file tersebut dapat diakses, jika private berarti khusus diri sendiri dan tidak dapat diakses oleh browser ketika meminta file css, js yang terupload tadi.
sharing settings file
10. Pilih Public, agar semua browser dan orang lain yang membuka web blog anda dapat menggunakan file css atau javascript code yang diupload.
11. Maka akses akan berubah dari Private ke Public.
12. Click Save and save your link to share.

Sekarang, untuk mengkoneksikan antara file yang ada di Googledrive dengan blog anda caranya adalah :
Perhatikan, link to share file tadi, contohnya seperti ini :

Kode berwarna biru, silahkan anda copy dan ambil dan letakkan pada kode berikut untuk memanggil file anda :
Maka, hasilnya akan seperti :

Nah, sekarang struktur link tersebut sudah dapat digunakan untuk mengakses file kita dan coba buka URL diatas lalu lihat hasilnya , sama seperti ketika kalian menghosting File ke Yourjavascript atau googlecode kan ! Struktur URL itulah yang bisa berfungsi untuk diterapkan ke Blog kita , lalu dibagian ini kalian juga bisa meletakkan ekstensi .js .css .html .php atau yang lainnya tapi harus sesuai dengan Bahasa Pemrograman yang kalian Host.

9. Kemudian untuk penerapannya ke Blog atau website kita ngga ada perbedaan kok dengan saat menghosting File ke GoogleCode , yah kurang lebih kayak gini :

Untuk File CSS penulisannya seperti ini :
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
Untuk File Javascript strukturnya seperti ini :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
 10. Silahkan anda copy dan letakkan pada blog anda diatas kode </head>

Bagaimana cara melakukan upload file css, javascript dengan googledrive? Tentu mudah kan. Ya, hampir sama dengan googlecode hanya berbeda sedikit dan cepat host tersebut. Itulah tadi panduan tentang memanfaatkan layanan Google Drive yang didalamnya anda dapat mengupload file musik, document, presentasi, aplikasi kecil, data Microsoft office Excell, sistematika statistik dan lainnya.

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

St Ives Invigorating All Over Body Scrub

Another not expensive but really effective product that I have been asked to put to the test is the St Ives Invigorating All Over Body Scrub, £5.49 for 300ml.

All skin needs to occasional bout of exfoliation, and not just on your face either, and I like to do this at least once a week as part of my all-over skincare regime. This St Ives body scrub has 100% natural exfoliators and is more gentle than some I have tried over the years. Taking a generous handful and massaging it onto my body I found that it worked well but also rinsed off easily too - pretty important bonus as I hate having to clean the shower after exfoliating if I don't have to!

It smells okay too - not overly scented but a bit 'fruity' and afterwards I didn't need to much body moisturiser as I found it did leave my skin soft and moisturised - a real bonus! It has also prepared my skin for suntanning on my holiday next week which I can't wait for!

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Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Cara Membuat Label di Blog Menjadi Optimal

Label di Blog ada yang berbentuk bulat, kotak, cloud, bright style, warna warni dsb. Mempercantik tampilan label menjadi keren mungkin perlu dilakukan. Label atau lebih dikenal sebagai kategori merupakan kumpulan artikel yang diklasifikasikan kepada subject dari topik utama artikel tersebut agar mudah dikelompokkan. Fungsi label adalah mempermudah pengunjung menemukan artikel berkaitan di sebuah blog selain itu juga sebagai sitelinks yang nanti dapat dibaca search engine.
label blog design
Cara Membuat Label tentu mudah, tidak seperti membuat kue, makanan, membuat gambar dengan corel draw, membuat website dengan Framework, mempelajari Java OOP dan lainnya. Hanya dengan memanfaatkan sedikit tambahan class CSS3 kita dapat memodifikasi label menjadi menarik, cantik, serta keren.
label blog
Contoh demo dari pemasangan label bisa dilihat seperti gambar yaitu dengan pilihan list pada option Tampilkan di label, bisa juga apabila memilih cloud.

Tahap Cara Membuat Label Blog :
1. Log In Blogger
2.  Pilih Blog Yang Akan Di Edit
3 . Pergi Ke Template
4 . Klik Edit HTML
5 . Centang Expand Template Widget
6 . Cari Tulisan ]]></b:skin> ( Tekan Ctrl + F Atau    F3 Di Keyboard Untuk Mencari )
7 . Pasang Kode Di Bawah Ini Tepat Di Atas Kode ]]></b:skin>
.Label a{ background:#00FFFF; padding:0 20px; color:#000!important; padding-left:20px; border-radius:90px; -moz-border-radius:90px; height:17px; line-height:17px; text-transform:uppercase; text-decoration:none; border:none !important; -webkit-transition:all .3s ease-in-out !important;t: 30pxt: 30px; float:left; margin-left:5px; margin-top:5px; font-size:14px; } .Label a:hover{ color:#000 !important; background:#fff; }
8. Simpan Template
9. Masuk ke Tata Letak / Layout
10. Tambahkan widget dengan cara cari letak posisi label yang diinginkan, klik add a gadget.
11. Pilih LABEL
12. Atur sesuai keinginan anda, isikan Judul widget dengan Label atau Kategori.
13. Save.

Untuk tutorial lainnya dapat dilihat pada artikel Label Box Style with CSS3 Efek. Lihat hasilnya, selamat menyelesaikan cara membuat label menjadi optimal ya. See you !

Clean & Clear for clearer young skin

Some teenagers go through puberty and beyond with the occasional blemish or skin problem but for many it's a bit more of a problem. If you have a teen with a problem then you might be interested in him or her trialling the new Clean & Clear Advantage Clear and Smooth range of foaming wash and daily scrub.

I found a willing teen to try out this affordable skincare routine and he reported back that it was really easy and quick to use, and his skin did look much better after a couple of weeks of using the products. The Foaming Wash is £4.99 and is a light product featuring salicylic acid and natural aloe vera to remove dirt, oil and impurities. The aloe vera leaf contains nutrients, vitamins, amino acids and active enzymes, all great for clearing up skin and leaves skin feeling soft and moisturised.

The Daily Scrub, also £4.99, has lots of tiny exfoliating micro-beads to effectively remove dead skin cells that can block pores too. It is gentle and also contains aloe vera to help sooth skin.

All in all an affordable package to help teenage skin recover and fight that horrible spotty stage.

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Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Cara Membuat Artikel Terkait di Blog Tanpa Gambar

Salah satu hal yang diperlukan pengunjung saat membaca suatu artikel di blog kita adalah navigasi / kemudahan menemukan artikel terkait lainnya. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sebuah gadget atau widget yang bernama Related Posts. Bagaimana cara membuatnya, mari ikuti panduan kali ini !
related posts design
Postingan sebelumnya, memang membahas hal serupa yaitu Cara Membuat Related Posts dengan Gambar Thumbnail. Perbedaannya adalah pada artikel tersebut fungsi artikel terkait dijadikan dengan gambar artikel sedangkan postingan ini hasilnya akan menampilkan beberapa judul artikel yang memang mempunyai hubungan keterkaitan berdasarkan label.

Artikel terkait pada umumnya diletakkan pada bagian bawah posting suatu artikel. Hal ini akan mempermudah pengunjung yang ingin membaca artikel selanjutnya lengkap sesuai dengan kategori label yang sama. Artikel yang muncul sesuai dengan postingan terbaru dari masing-masing label itu. Contohnya dibawah ini :
related posts
Artikel terkait tersebut, terbentuk dari susunan label Gadget and Widget. Cara membuatnya, mari simak panduan berikut :
1. Login ke Blogger untuk membuka blog anda.
2. Buka Menu 'Template'
3. Lalu klik 'Edit Html' (Anda bisa menekan tombol CTRL+Z untuk kembali, meskipun template telah disave. Dan Sebelum mulai, harap backup template yang digunakan agar dapat di restore kembali jika ada masalah dalam pemasangan).
4. Cari kode berikut : </head> (Pakai Ctrl+F untuk mempermudah)
5. Copy Paste kode di bawah ini tepat di atas </head>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var relatedTitles = new Array();
    var relatedTitlesNum = 0;
    var relatedUrls = new Array();
    function related_results_labels(json) {
    for (var i = 0; i < json.feed.entry.length; i++) {
    var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
    relatedTitles[relatedTitlesNum] = entry.title.$t;
    for (var k = 0; k <; k++) {
    if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {
    relatedUrls[relatedTitlesNum] =[k].href;
    function removeRelatedDuplicates() {
    var tmp = new Array(0);
    var tmp2 = new Array(0);
    for(var i = 0; i < relatedUrls.length; i++) {
    if(!contains(tmp, relatedUrls[i])) {
    tmp.length += 1;
    tmp[tmp.length - 1] = relatedUrls[i];
    tmp2.length += 1;
    tmp2[tmp2.length - 1] = relatedTitles[i];}}
    relatedTitles = tmp2;
    relatedUrls = tmp;}
    function contains(a, e) {
    for(var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (a[j]==e) return true;
    return false;}
    function printRelatedLabels() {
    var r = Math.floor((relatedTitles.length - 1) * Math.random());
    var i = 0;
    while (i < relatedTitles.length && i < 20) {
    document.write('<li><a href="' + relatedUrls[r] + '">' +
    relatedTitles[r] + '</a></li>');
    if (r < relatedTitles.length - 1) {
    } else {
    r = 0;}

6. Cari kode berikut : <data:post.body/> (Pakai Ctrl+F untuk mempermudah)
7. Copy Paste kode dibawah ini kemudian letakkan di bawah <data:post.body/>
Catatan : Biasanya terdapat 2 buah <data:post.body/> Pakai kode yang kedua lalu paste di bawahnya ya.

    <b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
    <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <script expr:src='"/feeds/posts/default/-/" + + "?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=5"' type='text/javascript'/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <h4>Artikel Terkait</h4>
    <script type="text/javascript">

8. Klik Save.

Cara kerja Related Posting ini cukup mudah singkat, merujuk pada label yang diterapkan pada postingan. Artikel yang memiliki label yang sama akan tercantum secara otomatis pada Artikel yang sedang dibuka.

Keterangan :
Jika artikel terkait muncul juga di halaman utama (homepage) blog anda, tambahkan kode ini diatasnya ( Langkah 7) :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
dan berikan kode </b:if> pada paling akhir.

Angka berwarna merah menunjukkan jumlah artikel yang akan ditampilkan.
Demikian cara membuat artikel terkait di blog tanpa gambar yaitu hanya link text beserta judul artikel saja.

Last morning at the Edinburgh Fringe

Rather than dash off (and we did have a substantial drive from Edinburgh to London to contend with) we decided that we just couldn't tear ourselves away and another trip to the centre of town was in order. Edinburgh is like that, it gets under your skin and leaving gets harder every time.

Once again we threw ourselves on the mercy of the flyers out and about in late morning sun but it was actually a comic who overheard our conversation that solved the problem of what to do. Of course, a performance showcase! This is the perfect way of getting a taste of some great acts at the fringe but take my advice do this at the beginning of each day and not at the end of your trip to get the real benefits.
image of Lee Camp:

Back in the cave where we had seen Henning Wehn we were treated to an hour of about 8 different performers, from a group doing sketches from Bristol University to a fantastic music comedy and juggling routine from Lancashire. But the highlight, and I really feel we lucked out here, was a young stand up all the way from the US called Lee Camp and we were treated to a tiny taster of his show Destruction! Distraction! Evolution? Oh we wished we'd come across him sooner as his star is definitely on the rise and expect to see (and hear) much more from him.

The Guardian is quoted as saying 'for those still mourning for Bill Hicks, you'll find plenty to enjoy' and although the comedy is very much planted in US culture it translates easily and he references Edinburgh and the UK easily into his set.

He has already been banned from Fox News for being 'anti-American' but he simply puts iPhones, Fox News and all the pressures of modern day living under the comedy microscope. Brilliant delivery, slick, well-written comedy that actually says something - all too rare these days and highly reminiscent of the satirical and political comedy of the Eighties, Lee Camp is a breath of fresh air not to be missed if you get the chance! Alternatively visit Lee Camp and download his podcast for a great sample of his sharp wit and wisdom.

Or check him out here.

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Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Edinburgh Fringe - third day out on the streets

Working it on the Royal Mile

A typical August day at the Edinburgh Fringe seems to be slightly warm and wet but that doesn't stop those who need to sell a show on the Royal Mile from coming out and doing what they do. Not so many punters though on day 3 of our trip so we had breathing space to think about what to do next without too much bustle.

The next on our 'to-do' list was Musical Theatre as Edinburgh together brings Musical Theatre Societies from all over the country.

Members of CUMTS when not in costume...

Most are very young (students still at uni) and they bring bags of enthusiasm and energy to Edinburgh and often showcase from one of the two stages set up for the purpose on the Royal Mile. We didn't see these guys here but who can resist a Stephen Sondheim musical we asked ourselves when we came across the Cambridge University Musical Theatre's Society (CUMTS for short) production of The Assassins on the app. 

This is a bit of an odd musical, telling the story of a nine of those who across the centuries have attempted (and sometimes succeeded) in assassinating a US President. Chronologically Assassins is a bit of a mess but you can't blame the cast who not only sang their hearts out (Sondheim is challenging) but often left the stage to pick up an instrument - what an annoyingly talented bunch. It was a bit raw in places and voices not always as strong as they should be but the two girls in the cast were worthy of extra praise as they were very good indeed. Nice to hear some great music sung with gusto in the afternoon!

Following a musical theme we checked out 'looping artist' Adam Page all the way from Australia. Adam uses looping pedals to record and playback, effortlessly recording the sounds he makes or plays and layering others on top of them to create a wall of musical sound and beat. He also has an extraordinary beard which, with the use of a small microphone, he 'plays', recording the scratchy sounds and layering them into the music.
If you want to catch a bit of Adam yourself then check out the following video...

A brief stop to fill up on pizza and we were off to our third show of the day. The Peculiar Tale of Pablo Picasso and the Mona Lisa is a new piece of absurdist comedy performed by the talented Fourth Monkey Theatre Company. They have been working very hard to establish themselves on the Fringe over the past few years and I have to say this was genuinely one of the best things we saw this year.
Fourth Monkey from Colin Hattersley Photography

Taking Picasso's early life, this tells the story of an outrageous theft of the Mona Lisa and the muses who inspired the young Pablo. Using a simple white set, beautiful costume, this play brought to life the spirit of Paris in the early twentieth century. It's visually arresting and great fun with tons of artistic license and an appearance from the Desmoiselles d'Avignon to help and hinder Picasso throughout the story. It's all a bit mad, farcical and shows Picasso as the egocentric bastard that we can all imagine he was. Gertrude Stein and Georges Braque also make an appearance. We loved it for it's energy, sense of fun and absurd storyline and came out of the theatre smiling and uplifted - what more can you ask?

Final stop of the day was to This is a Damage Manual, a piece of dance with physical theatre thrown in for good measure from BONEdanse. It sounded really interesting, using vintage instruction self-help recordings from the 1950s (all on scratchy vinyl record) to explore how universally damaged we all are and how many of us simply stay that way. All with a lot of satire and wit thrown in.

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Mencegah Sebuah Situs terkena Penalti Google Penguin

Beberapa bulan lalu, Google meluncurkan Penguin untuk melawan para spammer SEO yang berasal dari teknik posting dan link building. Langkah ini diambil, untuk membersihkan hasil pencarian mesin pencari dari pengoptimalan SEO yang agresif / berlebihan yang berusaha keras untuk meningkatkan suatu situs masuk dalam peringkat tinggi melalui membangun link dengan kualitas rendah.
google panda
Tujuan dari post ini adalah untuk mencegah situs/blog/ pemilik usaha yang melakukan banyak hit ke situs-situs yang merupakan penyebab utama anda terkena Penalti Google Penguin. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa hal yang menyebabkan blog anda terkena sapuan Google Penguin dan Google Panda.

- Kemiripan Kata Kunci, Tittle Tag, dan Halaman Web
Banyak kesalahpahaman yang terjadi pada Google Penguin update tentang mendapatkan link yang berkualitas rendah dari anchor text yang sama. Contoh sederhananya adalah Jika anda membuat sebuah artikel kemudian menggunakan kata kunci yang sama pada Tag judul dengan berulang-ulang, atau membangun sebuah frase kata kunci yang sama dalam halaman web dengan menargetkan anchor teks yang sama dengan sangat banyak dan berlebihan maka akan membuat anda akan mendapatkan link dengan kualitas rendah dan buruk. Apalagi ditambah beberapa link yang tertanam pada situs anda juga melakukan hal yang serupa tentu situs akan terkena dampak yang sangat menurun.

- Tidak hanya mengulang frase dan kata kunci, tetapi juga Keyword Stuffing
Optimasi mesin pencari tidak hanya sebatas SEO secara agresif semata, namun lebih dari itu. Google menetapkan aturan yang sangat keras terhadap pengoptimalan mesin pencari setiap website tidak untuk mencari pengunjung. Jadi, apabila anda membuat sebuah situs hanya dengan tujuan mendapatkan banyak traffik serta pengunjung namun konten yang anda berikan dangkal dan tidak berguna, itu salah besar.

Anda sebagai pemilik usaha dan pembangun blog/website harus bertujuan terhadap kualitas artikel yang anda tulis meskipun mungkin maksud anda adalah untuk mencari keuntungan. Faktor Keyword stuffing ini sangat diperhatikan oleh Google, oleh karena itu hindarilah copy paste artikel dan tingkatkan kreatifitas, keunikan konten anda.

- Kesengajaan Google yang tidak disadari, jangan menargetkan peringkat hasil pencarian
Kesalahan yang sering tidak dipahami oleh para SEO adalah dari sisi bagaimana Google bekerja. Google tidak akan menghukum website dengan menganalisis satu sisi dari cerita. Jika seorang webmaster membuat pelanggaran di semua tiga aspek: frasa diulang dalam tag judul, halaman web dan jangkar teks berarti web master tidak mengabaikan optimasi mesin pencari.
Webmaster sangat menyadari SEO dan mengoptimalkan situs mereka sengaja demi peringkat.
Oleh karena itu kombinasi dari semua teknik di atas mengarah ke hukuman Penguin. Google bukan tidak bertindak, tetapi ada hal lain yang lebih diperhitungkan. Google tidak akan menghukum secara manual penguin update untuk jutaan halaman web. Spider Google harus mengikuti proses untuk mengidentifikasi pola-pola tertentu teknik penipuan digabungkan dengan seo.

Salah satu faktor umum adalah menggunakan konten yang sama di beberapa situs Web. Dan contoh klasik adalah mengirimkan tag judul dan deskripsi meta halaman web dalam berbagai direktori. Ini adalah cara mudah bagi Google untuk mengotomatisasi untuk mencari link yang berkualitas rendah.

Bahkan para profesional seo telah menggunakan konten yang berbeda selain konten yang ada di halaman web, tetapi deskripsi yang sama di banyak direktori pasti bentuk bangunan link demi peringkat.

Salah satu teknik spam yang lebih umum adalah artikel pemasaran. 500 kata atau artikel yang sama mengirimkan di direktori artikel. Berikut ini adalah mudah bagi Google untuk mengetahui konten yang sama dan kotak sumber daya yang sama dengan anchor teks yang sama. Ini baik-baik saja sama jangkar teks dengan bio sama tapi artikel harus berbeda. Dengan artikel yang berbeda di website lain webmaster memberikan kontribusi kepada pengunjung dan sebagai imbalannya ia mendapatkan link yang tidak akan berada di bawah radar hukuman Penguin.

Contoh kasus : anda membuat sebuah artikel, kemudian mengirimkan ke berbagai direktori atau social bookmarking dengan konten yang sama. Maka Google dapat dengan mudah mengenali pola ini yang hanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan peringkat.

Google selalu pintar, tetapi juga memiliki kelemahan. Hal ini tidak dapat peringkat manual setiap situs web atau tidak dapat menghukum setiap situs web. Google perlu untuk mengotomatisasi. Setelah web spam tim Google mengidentifikasi penyalahgunaan umum diikuti oleh industri SEO itu akan muncul pembaruan. Ikuti praktik terbaik dari link building pada halaman optimasi terbaru.

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Learn The 4 Principles of Making Money Online!

Making money online really can be as simple as you'd wish.

It need not seem complicated or force you to feel out of your depth.

There are four key aspects to being successful on the Internet with a website:

*Bring traffic to your website-

And there are so many different ways to get that traffic. Including the one you are reading right now-writing articles. Others are such as, pay per click, viral marketing, and e-zines ads, to name just a few.

*Capture the emails of visitors to your website-

Now this could be a 'squeeze page', or a pop up or even just a simple form on your main webpage. Capturing emails and therefore building a list is vital to your internet business success. Using a 'bribe' to get them to opt into your list is also very important. Otherwise you won't capture many email addresses.

*Make the first sale from your list, offering them a product or service that will genuinely help them with their goals. And this aspect is very important. You want people on your list to know you want to sincerely help them, not just flog them some junk for a quick buck. Which unfortunately seem to be what many lists, especially those in the Internet Marketing field are all about.

*Make additional sales from that person on your list offering them further valuable products and services. These products and services are of a higher level, what is known as a 'back-end', and also much more expensive in price. You will find these repeat customers are the lifeblood of any business. It is much easier, and cheaper, to sell to someone you have already sold to, than to a new customer.

It’s as easy as 1 2 3 4!

So many people and so called 'guru's' make it seem like some kind of mystical, reserved for a privileged few, information. But in reality, at its core, it’s nothing more than these four steps. Do these well and you will make money online, make A LOT of it. It is virtually impossible not to, once you have all the steps properly streamlined.

The fact is, all successful businesses on the internet have these four ingredients. Those that choose to skip one or more of them are the ones which tend to struggle with their own online business.

So which would you like to be.....?

Edinburgh Fringe - second day and things get serious

Supermen and women on The Royal Mile

It's when you wake up in the morning in Edinburgh and realise that there are far too many shows to even begin to get your head around, that you realise that just getting up and out there is the best course of action. Experience tells me that 4-5 shows in a day is hard-core but do-able. I am sure there are those who get to do more, but I find that after 4 my brain gets a bit too full.

So second day on the streets of Edinburgh and what did we see?

Well we saw lots and lots of flyer-ing on the Royal Mile - start from there to get a feel for the atmosphere and what you'd like to see.
Selling a show on the Royal Mile
We had already pre-booked theatre in the form of the world premier of An Actor's Lament by and starring Steven Berkoff after lunch, and Adam Hills in the early evening, so had plenty of hours to fill - but what to choose?

So the first thing to get us in the mood was a comedy showcase Just the Tonic off the Royal Mile. We got to see 4 stand-up comedians plus compare for £5 - a pound a pop which was much cheaper than the laughs which were really rather good. Checking out new comics is best done via a showcase - then you can decide to see a fuller set by a particular comic at a later date should you choose. These showcases are often free but if you want quality then it is best to pay something, even if it's just a fiver!

Photo: Berwickshire News

Steven Berkoff's An Actor's Lament was our biggest ticket in terms of price and it was definitely an event that had to be booked way in advance. Joined on stage by actors Jay Benedict and Andree Bernard, this new play gives us an insight into the world of theatre from the point of view of an actor, director and writer.

Never one to miss the opportunity to have a pop at critics (Berkoff is well-known for his intolerance of critics) which he does vociferously in the opening speech, he also puts actors themselves under his own particular spotlight showing up their ego-centricities, vanities and of course their enormous frailty. He takes on the world of theatre but also can't resist pulling apart TV soaps and films that are churned out for the money rather than the artistic value. We see the frustrations of being a performer laid bare for all the world to see, but in my opinion the star of the show is the language itself which is both melodic and has acerbic wit but above all is really quite funny. If you get a chance to see it at a future date then grab it - a real theatrical treat is in store.
The Dance Dome
The wonderful thing about Edinburgh is that you can go and see things you wouldn't normally and it won't be a costly mistake. Our little group all like dance and physical theatre so DanceDome in particular caught our eye. This 'event' took place in a large inflatable dome at the bottom of Cowgate in Dance Base and is a 360 degree film created by an international crew based in Cardiff. Using digital technology, cinema and some great choreography the dancers leapt and wove in film above our heads while the rain absolutely bucketed down outside. There were three films in total featuring everything from contemporary dance to parkour and breakdance - and all with original music. Explore more at The Dance Dome.
The very funny Adam Hills

Adam Hills was our other hot ticket this trip with Adam Hills: Happyism at The Assembly Hall. He opens his show with an audience member joining him on stage for improvised banter which he clearly loves as much as his set. Off-the-cuff and wonderfully spontaneous, Adam Hills is obviously joyful to be alive and although he has a spring in his step his show is one of many layers covering topics from what's not acceptable in society, drawing on his own experiences on US TV, to the differences between Aussie and British culture. It is far more sophisticated than you first imagine seamlessly switching from one topic to another, but he does make an audience laugh - really laugh. He will soon be up with the greats in terms of stand-up and I'm not surprised he has packed out such a large venue for two weeks here in Edinburgh. He overran by 15 minutes - apparently this happens a lot - which isn't great if you've got another show to catch, but it was obvious that he could have gone on all night if time had allowed, we were all having so much fun.

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Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Edinburgh Fringe - first day entertainment, Gretchen Frage and Henning Wehn

The real trick to booking a short break to the Edinburgh Fringe is to have one or two things planned and booked before you go up and leave the rest to chance. That way you're not too overwhelmed when you get there as you will have some structure already in place, but will still have lots of time to take in the shows that take your fancy on the Royal Mile or via the fantastic official Edinburgh Fringe app. The app gives you everything on at every time for the whole month - so if you've got a slot to fill from 3pm - 6pm that day, you simply put in the times and order your tickets directly. Of course you will still need to make sure you can collect tickets from the various Fringe box offices when needs be.

I do realise I am writing this right at the end of this year's Fringe (well there are a few days left but not many) but having made my third trip to Edinburgh I do feel that any snippets of advise I have will be just as relevant next year so get that trip planned!

We arrived (after a 7 hour drive up from London) at around 4pm and our first show, Henning Wehn's Authentic German Christmas Do wasn't until 7ish. So using our app (there's a first time for everything) we went on the hunt for something good to see. Coming across Student Medics performing A Midwife Crisis at Space at The Surgeon's Hall we went down there in the hope of buying tickets on the door. Of course it was sold out but the bright and smiley girl on the ticket office managed to sell us into Love: Gretchen Frage and we decided to take a punt on it. By the way Gretchen Frage is a play on the German 'Gretchenfrage' which means 'crucial question'.

Seeing that we were one of about a dozen audience members, and understanding that this was the opening show, we were a bit apprehensive as to what we would find. Well, let's just say any visit to the Edinburgh fringe when you take a blind punt is always a bit risky, and it wasn't awful. But it wasn't great either. Billed as 'Gretchen Frage is on a quest: to unravel the conundrum that is love in the time of capitalism. A confessional, eclectic and whimsical journey interlacing performance art and folk music by sibling duo Lex and Lian' we were quite excited to see what this was going to turn out like. What it turned out to be was a girl with a very sweet voice and songs she had penned herself, accompanying herself on the lute and being accompanied by her brother on box/guitar/harmonica - or did I dream that. There were a couple of actors supporting the thin narrative who needed a hell of a lot more rehearsal than was evident. We did get to make paper airplanes and play sweet whistles, but I wasn't sure why her clothes were cut off at one point leaving her centre stage in a body stocking that left nothing to the imagination. Hey ho the joys of the fringe - it was only about £6 so can't really complain and it did fill an hour nicely.

The Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh

This did, however, whet our appetites for something really good, and something really good was what we got. Henning Wehn is 'that German comic' off the telly and radio. And he is very, very funny. We caught his show in London and seeing he had something new to offer decided to book for his Christmas spectacular while up at the Fringe. We weren't let down. He's comical, sharp, has an incredible understanding of the British vernacular and even though we were in the Caves (a large cellar underneath the street) and it was rather hot, the hour absolutely flew. I am sure he will be touring with this show nearer Christmas so I highly recommend booking tickets should it come to a town near you. His whole premise is how our Christmas drags on from January through to the following January whereas the Germans are far more ordered in their Christmas festivities which last a whole two days. The Germans obviously know how to do Christmas properly (well Christmas and a whole lot of other things as well). This show has been reprised from one he did a few years ago which I didn't see, but I can only agree that singing German Christmas carols in August somehow didn't feel wrong in a basement in Edinburgh because of the charm of our host, and the fact that you never know what stereotype he's going to tear to shreds next. I hope we see more of him on our mainstream media as he should be encouraged!

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Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Template Blogger SeoMoz For Adsense Ready Optimized

Meningkatkan penghasilan di Google Adsense dipengaruhi juga oleh CTR dari sebuah template. Template SeoMoz ini merupakan solusi blogger yang dapat mengoptimalkan hal tersebut yaitu SEO Friendly, Adsense Ready, Design Minimalist, Fast Loading and Responsive Menu.

adsense high ctr
Dalam sebuah blog adsense , design blog sangat berperan aktif dalam menaikkan penghasilan adsense bahkan sampai 25% dari keseluruhan aktifitas blogging anda. Hal ini mengacu pada tata letak iklan yang mudah dijangkau oleh pengunjung sekaligus memberikan peluang besar untuk di klik . Namun perlu diingat bahwa design template blog harus mengikuti kaidah SEO dan juga bersahabat dengan Google Penguin.

Tata Letak, penempatan, pemasangan, dan ukuran ads unit iklan sangat diperhatikan. Dengan template ini diharapkan mampu efektifkan niche keyword pada blog anda.

Template ini ber CTR tinggi sehingga diyakini bisa menaikkan penghasilan anda dari jumlah impresi setiap harinya. Sangat cocok bagi anda yang mengandalkan Adsense sebagai satu satunya program PPC make money from Ads.

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Where to stay in Edinburgh when the fringe is on

The Edinburgh Fringe is one of the largest festivals of it's type and actually sits alongside a further 9 festivals held in Edinburgh during the month of August. So to say that Edinburgh gets a bit busy is something of an understatement!

This is our third trip in the last decade so are fairly experienced in terms of the best ways of approaching it all. First off is to pre-book your travel and accommodation and in the case of Edinburgh during August, you really mustn't leave everything to the last minute. If you do, all that will be left will be hotels with exorbitant prices - you may be lucky and get into Edinburgh University accommodation but if you're looking for something a bit more comfortable and less crowded, then we've found hiring a holiday apartment well in advance, is the way to go.

The spacious living room

We booked our gorgeous West End Condo around 6-8 weeks before we planned our trip and really fell on our feet. This was still a bit late to book bargain train tickets (think well in excess of £100 return from London this far in advance per person) so we decided to drive which takes around 7 and a half hours from North London to the centre of Edinburgh.

We stayed not too far from Murrayfield Stadium and just in from Edinburgh Zoo - in fact around the corner from the Museum of Modern Art' which was a fair walk in (I reckon about half a hour to the Royal Mile at a good pace) but is on bus routes and costs around £7-8 by taxi. I cannot write enough superlatives about this particular holiday rental. It's been beautifully decorated and fantastically well equipped with everything you would need. Even a torch in the DVD storage cupboard so you can really see what's there!

The kitchen was better than my one at home (always galling when that happens) and there are two bathrooms in this two double bedroom-ed flat, one with an enormous bath and one with a walk-in shower. There is even a spare single bed up in the loft room so it does sleep five adults easily.

There's a large and comfortable sitting room complete with a huge flat-screen TV with Sky. The folder supplied by the owners really does cover everything from the best places to visit in Edinburgh to when to put out the various bits and pieces of recycling and rubbish. Beds were large, very comfortable and with gorgeous cotton bedlinen - even the furniture was fine quality and solid.

We booked this short break in the UK through and our three night stay for 4 adults cost from £92 per night (outside of festival) which for a flat in Edinburgh of this high standard during festival season was an absolute bargain - we will definitely be back!

Other places to stay if a hotel is more your thing (I haven't tested these but they come up time and again)

Perfect for foodies this multi award winning restaurant has 4 beautiful bedrooms with lounge areas to relax over the two upper levels of the house. You can even have restaurant quality breakfast in bed. 3 Royal Terrace, EH7 5AB 0131 523 1030

The Glasshouse
This is truly amazing - architecturally brilliant and based in the centre there are 65 guestrooms and a two acre roof garden with spectacular views. The Glasshouse, EH1 3AA 0131 535 8200

The Sheraton
This is a Sheraton with a rooftop pool and spa and all rooms have mood lighting, media hubs and amazing beds (the Sheraton is known for it's Sweet Sleeper Bed). Ask for a room overlooking Edinburgh Castle. 1 Festival Square, EH3 9SR. 0131 229 9131

The Caledonian (Waldorf Astoria)
A luxury £24 million renovation and investment programme means that this is one of THE places to stay. Formerly a Victorian railway hotel in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle this is a beautiful place to stay and has the largest bathrooms of any in Edinburgh (apparently). Princes Street, EH1 2AB. 0131 222 8888.

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