I have written about the launch of the Philips ReAura before but now I have got my hands on this amazing development in home beauty treatments. Promising to dramatically improve the quality of my skin, from high colour and age spots to wrinkles and lines, it is not to be taken lightly as it is fairly costly and is, after all, using lasers.
Using revolutionary light treatment the Philips ReAura laser skin rejuvenation home treatment is endorsed by leading Harley Street cosmetic dermatologist Dr Sam Bunting and is the first home treatment of it's kind to come to the UK. It is clinically proven to achieve skincare results and in 93% of users there was a visible improvement.
I had to have a chat with one of the Philips ReAura experts first before they would send me the machine to try out. I was asked if I suffered from skin break-outs, whether I'd been in the sun recently, if I was under any specific treatment and given the go-ahead I was quite excited to get going for the month that I had promised to give the treatment my full attention.
So, how does it work? Thousands of microscopic laser beams are delivered to specific areas and these beams pass down through the epidermis and dermis of the skin, creating a pattern of microscopic treatment zones. This triggers the skin's natural cell renewal process, so even the sensitive and line prone areas like the eyes and mouth look more plumped up and therefore, youthful. Sun spots and age spots fade and you get an even skin tone. I have all of these so am keen to see an improvement. Oh and a very wrinkly neck - tiny wrinkles at the moment but I know they will soon turn to something much more noticeable - so any help is gratefully received!

So how did I get on? I must say I was a bit apprehensive but all is very neat and small and there is even a DVD to make sure I am doing it right. I had to apply the supplied gel to my fully cleansed face and then I lightly used it on my face, neck and chest. The machine won't let you over-use it so there is no chance of coming to harm and the second cream I applied after the treatment was soothing. It did tingle - almost prickle - but I'm not a wimp and persevered and although my skin was a bit red it was all gone down by the morning. So I would recommend you using it before bedtime unless you want to go out looking a bit puce!
It does take a while to work - testers have put it through it's paces for 12 weeks, but over the next month I will be reposting with updates to see how it all works.
The Philips ReAura is £799 from space:nk.
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