Okay - so spot the person who has been sitting for a few hours in an air-conditioned suite and the one who charged on foot and in the heat to the Soho Hotel as she was on a tight schedule.
Yup, you're right, the hot and slightly dishevelled one is me and the immaculate, unshiny and definitely unflustered one is Davina McCall.
Unless you have been living under a stone for a while you can't have failed to notice that Davina has been fronting several campaigns, the most recent of which is for Garnier Ultralift. Ultralift Day is said to give instantly smoother and younger looking skin, is enriched with Pro-Retinol which is derived from nature, give immediate hydration and results in anti-wrinkle and firming action. But don't just take their word for it...
Last year over 18,000 women took the Garnier Ultralift challenge and today (June 11th) sees the launch of this years challenge. 71% of consumers don't believe in anti-ageing claims so Garnier set itself and its consumers a challenge - to prove that anti-ageing skincare really can make a difference. Last year 80% of those who took part measured a positive difference in the reduction of their wrinkles after the trial with at least one grade improvement on the wrinkle reader. Nearly half said their wrinkles looked better by two grades!
Davina has extolled it's virtues and always looks good, so when we were invited in a small group to go along and meet her to talk life and skincare, I was more than a little intrigued...
And what a lovely woman she turned out to be. Davina has, in her own words, made a career out of 'gurning' but in reality has made a career out of talking to real people either on Big Brother, The Million Pound Drop and more recently Missing Relatives. She makes it seem effortless and here too, having the tables turned on her didn't seem to phase her a bit. She has an easy smile, uses humour and self-deprecation to engage her interviewers and audience and yes, we all liked her, a lot!
-How long have you been working with Garnier now?
About 7 years, I still rather can’t believe that they still want to be with me.
-Are you blessed with good skin anyway? Is that something that runs in your family?
I’m all about do the best with what you’ve got. My skin; I’ve had 3 babies and the last one was 10 pounds 2 and I have not one stretch mark. That might tell you that my skin is olive, quite oily, so I don’t know. My mother had really bad skin, but she sort of abused herself quite badly, she didn’t ever look after it. My dad I think looks like a hot 69 year old, he looks really good for his age. He’s an old sea dog, he’s been out by the sea and he’s quite wrinkly but in a lovely way.
Maybe I have got good genes but I don’t think it really matters. I think that Garnier is definitely about trying to make the best with what you’ve got, whatever you’ve got. It won’t just make people with good genes look glowy and more youthful; it will make everybody look glowy and more youthful.
-Do you use it every day and do you ever go to bed with make up on?
Yes completely. As my granny would say, cause I lived with my granny and she calls that being a slut. “Oh that’s such a slutty thing to do,” Especially after The Million Pound Drop live which finishes at sometimes 11, I don’t get home until 1. I literally will just get in the door then wake up in the morning and its as if my clothes have dropped off me and when I wake up in the morning I still have my individual lashes glued on in the corner.
I’m just like everybody else, sometimes I’m too exhausted or can’t be bothered. But I try and do it with brushing my teeth so I brush my teeth in the morning and I brush my teeth in the evening and it’s a five minute thing that I’ve added on to my tooth brushing regime. Cleanse, tone, moisturise in the morning, wash and moisturise in the evening.
-You mentioned that Garnier Ultralift makes your skin really glowy, do you think it would give other benefits for younger skin, someone in their early 20’s? Without the wrinkle side of things?
I think that any kind of glow if you’re young or old, glow is just nice at any time. Looking after your skin is all part of that. Just because you’re young doesn’t mean you might not want to look fresh as a daisy and I think that’s what it does. Also it just feels really nice. It’s got a very nice texture to it, I like the smell.
Scent, glow, touch, feel, its soft, its lovely.
-What do you at home?
I use night and I use day. I do like to use an SPF15 as that’s another way of trying to fight ageing.
-You’ve never used a serums before?
The other Garnier products I use are the deodorant, I really like the smell of deodorant, and Summer Body which is the tan cause I can’t do fake tan. Summer Body, if I use it three times a week it just keeps you kind of topped up in the summer and its brilliant if you come back from holiday as well.
I am olive skinned naturally but it definitely will give me a deeper glow. I swear by that stuff.
As far as cleansing goes, I go for a facial three times a year, and I get red light treatment. I've got no idea what she does but she paints some really stingy stuff on my face and then wipes it off, I think it’s a peel. But it’s not like a peel where you can’t go out for three days it’s just a light peel. But I do that three times a year, and then the red light treatment afterwards.
-You sound to me like you’re on the go the whole time, and you’ve got kids. You must be regimented in what you do from your skincare regime to everything else. Are you into a major routine?
What happens with me is that I go all or nothing. I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t take drugs at all, and I’ve now sort of decided that sugar is evil so I try to avoid all refined sugar. And I’m like that, I’m all or nothing and I sort of annoy myself. I think, “Oh my gosh, you can’t stop eating chocolate, that’s ridiculous” but I get a thing in my head and actually I have amazing willpower when I decide to do something. I’m actually trying to lighten up a bit, I’m trying to have the odd pudding and not be so uptight about it. And try and do sugar in moderation. Avoid refined sugars in cakes and biscuits, not have it at home, not eat chocolate at home but if I go to someone’s house for dinner have a pudding. So I’m trying to be less regimented about it, and about life in general. But my skincare regime isn’t regimented, that’s necessity I think. I want to look the best I can for my age.
- Does your skin suffer from neglect?
Its funny, my first moment of skin care realization was about five years ago when my daughter and I were having our nighttime chat in bed. She looked at me and said “Mummy, what are those holes in your skin?” I was like “Oh my God its my pores, she’s talking about my pores. Bloody gotta go do something about that” so that’s when I started having facials or black head extractions. It’s made an enormous difference to my skin. All of it is about making the best of what you’ve got. I don’t want to be the open pored lady, I don’t want my daughter to look at me and say what are those holes in your face, start looking out for myself.
- And what about 'extra help'?
The only thing for me is where do you draw the line and where would you stop and why are we doing it? Are we doing it because society dictates we should do it? Or are we doing it for ourselves? Or for what reason, I don’t know.
My thing was, I’ve always sort of said I can’t count out I’ll do anything because I don’t want at one point down the line for someone to say “Well you said you were never going to do it.”
I can’t say that I wouldn’t. I’d like to think I’m wholly anti-fillers. I’ve never seen anybody have fillers and look normal. I think people’s whole face change. And they think that if they do it bit by bit nobody will notice. But if you don’t see them for 6 months you’ll bloody notice.
I’ve never seen anybody do lips or cheeks or anything where they haven’t looked completely different people which I think its robbing somebody of their characters.
-What about Botox?
Well, I’ve seen Botox look quite good. I’ve got a very good friend of mine, she’s tried to keep it on the down low, she’s not famous, but I don’t think her husband knows. She had a massive, two pronged frown line. In fact she didn’t even need to frown it was just always there.
And, again, I wouldn’t have noticed it had gone if she hadn’t told me. But she only had that bit done, she didn’t get anything else done, she just looked less stressed out.
-So what did you do for your 40th ?
Can I tell you what I did? It was so funny. I had a party at a nightclub and the theme was mutton, dressed as lamb. Everybody had to come as mutton dressed as lamb so everybody had to wear really inappropriate clothing for someone of their age. And if you were under 30 you had to come dressed as an old lady or an old man. So anybody who was young and beautiful and nubile had to look old, grey wigs and support tights. All of us old ladies were wearing really rude hot pants. My husband was in a Run DMC t-shirt with some bling around his neck, it was really funny.
The Cuban Brothers came down and did some naked breakdancing. I’ll tell you, it was amazing. The Cuban Brothers, look them up on YouTube, they are amazing.
Without doubt Davina looks good and is wearing well. And she genuinely swears by Garnier Ultralift so is the perfect ambassador. If you would like to win a full size set of the Garnier Ultralift range then simply leave a comment at the bottom of this post about your skincare routine. All those who do will be entered into a draw to receive the prize.
You can also take the 14 day challenge which is launching today for the rest of the summer and get your hands on 14 days worth of samples. Simply register at Ultralift Challenge to receive your pack and give feedback afterwards!
I have been using it for around 2 weeks now and I must say I agree with Davina. It is easily absorbed and my skin does look smoother and more plumped - oh and a lot more 'glowy' and if I am not mistaken (no honestly folks) the lines around my eyes are definitely less noticable.

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