In an effort to help women get over jerks who like to “hit it and quit it,” I devised a few simple rules that may possibly make heartbreak a thing of the past. I’ve been heartbreak free for over a year now, thanks to these personal rules, which are more like guidelines in the tossed-up game of love (or lust).
Rule #1: Never give your heart away. If you don’t want to experience heartbreak, then don’t fall in love. It’s as simple as that. You’ll be thankful you saved yourself the unnecessary drama the next time your coupled friends are fighting. But hey, some chicks dig drama.
Rule #2: Crushes are absolutely not allowed. They only end up in disappointment. Besides, give yourself the liberty to see what else is out there. We’re still young and we’re still figuring out what we want. Why deal with heartbreak in the meanwhile? Crushes can end up restricting you anyways, especially if you’re crushing hard. So stop blowing him up with dozens of missed calls and take a hint already.
Rule #3: Limit your sexual encounters. Though I totally think its possible for a woman to detach emotions from sex the way men do, it’s still not a good idea, especially if you’ve broken the second rule already. As for men, well, they are just pros at being emotionally detached. If you're a nympho with a real itch to get it on, just make sure you tear a page from their book.
Rule #4: Keep your distance. Men do this ALL the time. If you end up actually falling for someone, whatever you do, don’t fall too hard. If you’re going to fall, at least make sure the landing is soft by maximizing your emotional distance. The more "involved" you are, the more hurt you get. Likewise, the less involved you are, the less hurt you get. Make sense?
Rule #5: Find something wrong with him and focus on it. I know that it seems a bit shallow, but it works. If you’re a sucker for smiles, crooked teeth could be a deal breaker. If you like the idea of a man who can protect you, then those tiny arms and chicken legs aren’t going to cut it.
Still feeling too superficial? Maybe he has way too many girl “friends” than you’d like him to have. Or maybe he’s too big of a party animal. Or maybe he still lives at home in his parents' garage. In either case, don’t be so quick to trust. He could be playing you for all you know. But if you’re playing some silly little game too, well, that’s all on you.
Rule #6: If you’re starting to get jealous then you definitely need to make like Mariah and “Shake it off.” Look up the lyrics to the chorus if you really need elaboration.
Rule #7: Lucky No. 7. Take a time out for yourself. Forget boys. Forget dating. Forget love and romance. It’s all about YOU. Take time for yourself and focus on you. It’s okay to be selfish, especially if it means avoiding potential heartbreak.
Besides, there’s nothing sexier than a confident, independent woman who knows what she wants and what she doesn’t want. Just do your thing, while he does his. He'll come around when he realizes what he's missing out on, I promise. If he doesn't, then he was never worth your time in the first place.
Lastly, if a guy genuinely likes you, he’ll come around more often. If he doesn’t, it’s cool because you’re too busy doing your own thing anyway.
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