I receive questions often from people who have just started their first blog and are looking for tips. Two years ago I blogged 5 Tips For Bloggers and while I still stand behind those tips I want to dive in a little deeper today! Recently my friend and co-worker, Kinsey, started her first blog Sincerely, Kinsey. As she prepared to start her blog and developed it for the first six months I had a chance to mentor her a little bit. In this article I'll share the advice that I gave to Kinsey and she will share about her experiences and perspectives as a brand new blogger with you too!
Once you've chosen your theme spend some time (weeks or maybe even months) filling journals with ideas and inspiration for your concept. Try to think of ideas that you haven't seen anyone do before. Try to develop concepts that play off of your strengths. Are you a great writer? An exceptional photographer? Are you extremely knowledgeable about your subject? Use your strengths to create ideas that are unique and will be fun for you to work on week after week!
Kinsey, When you were choosing your theme what advice did I give you? Do you have any tips for brand new bloggers who are still choosing a theme?
"This was one of the most crucial decisions I had to consider before launching my blog. As Elsie suggests above, I spent a good three months developing my ideas, vibe, content, look, and name. Working for Red Velvet gave me an instant urge to start blogging right away, but I'm so thankful I waited a bit to start cultivating the themes and content of my blog and truly believe it made all the difference.
Something I took to heart was in a conversation we had about blogging and you told me to make sure I blog about what I love. With blogging today, there are so many themes to choose from, but if it's not something you're passionate about, no matter how many readers or sponsors you get, you'll eventually get burned out. I really had to evaluate and say,"If I have just a few readers and don't make a dime, would I still blog?" The answer? Yes. But only because my overall theme is something I'm passionate about and would still be doing even if I wasn't blogging about it."
This same principle applies to post frequency. I definitely recommend keeping a regular schedule, but if you can't manage to post every day don't stress out about it! Again, some of my favorite blogs only post a few times per week or only during the weekdays. The most important thing is that you choose a schedule that fits with your lifestyle that you can enjoy creating each week!
Kinsey, What are some popular subjects that you decided to skip on your blog? Do you think this more focused concept has made your blog stronger?
"When choosing subjects on my blog, I really wanted to focus in on my strengths. Just because I love reading it, doesn't mean I have to blog about it! For instance, I really enjoy some food, family oriented, and high fashion blogs, but I choose to steer clear of those subjects because writing about them are not my strong points.
I definitely believe having focused on a couple of really strong concepts has helped my blog immensely. Something I've learned from talking with you, Els, is letting readers be able to define your blog within moments of visiting your blog. You only get one first impression, and if readers can't define what your blog is all about, they might feel a little overwhelmed by your content and unable to relate. When you have a focal point it becomes the "main course" of your blog, making it appealing to the readers you want to attract. But a "do it all" blog can become all side dishes."
Kinsey, How has your blog concept evolved since you started? Has anything about the blogging experience surprised you? How have you re-developed your content since you started?
"I honestly never envisioned falling in love with blogging as much as I have. I've also been surprised at how easy blogging can be, but only when you truly apply each of the previous topics. When you have a theme you love, subjects you're passionate about, driven focus, and a realistic schedule, it becomes a natural, blissful part of your every day life!
As I continue to blog, I hope and try to become better each day in cultivating my craft, content, and vibe. While I had in mind the content I wanted to share, over the past couple of months it's been really fun to see how it's beginning to flow more naturally as I learn what I love to post about most."
"This has got to be one of bloggings' most cherished attributes. I remember finding out at your wedding Els, that some of your bridesmaids started off as blog pals and thinking it was one of the neatest things. I honestly thought meeting such wonderful people through blogging was just a lucky chance and only happened to those who had been blogging for years. But already I've met some truly sweet friends that I plan on keeping in contact with for years to come. There is such a unique connection with fellow bloggers because they can relate with you in ways that most people in your life can't. It's really beautiful."
I take the photography on my blog very seriously. I work hard to find the best lighting and backgrounds. I keep an idea book full of photo ideas to try. I try to improve my skills with each new season. This has paid off in so many ways! It's helped even my personal/family photos to be better, which is a huge plus! I LOVE the challenge of always trying to develop a new skill. I highly recommend getting into the mindset that you are a lifelong learner and that your blog will get better with time!
Kinsey, How has your background as a photographer helped you to develop a better blog? Any advice for new bloggers?
"While snapping photos is something that runs through my blood, I don't think you have to be a professional photographer to have great photos on your blog. I have some close friends that, while they don't have the best equipment, they utilize what they have and take some really great photos. My best advice would be find photography inspiration, scout out great locations that have great shadows, know the best times of day to shoot, and practice! Plus, doing a bit of research is always a great way to learn. Make a commitment to learn one new thing about photography each week and really apply it. This will make it a lot less intimidating than trying to learn it all at once."
I hope you've been inspired by these tips! Since Kinsey started her blog in November it's grown to around 245,000 page views each month. She is a great example of a brand new blogger who is learning, growing and challenging herself every single month!Oh... one more question for Kinsey.
Kinsey, Do you have any personal advice for new bloggers. Anything you learned from your first year that you'd like to share?
"Something Elsie and Emma have said that has influenced me so much, (I don't even think they know how big of a difference it has made!) has been when I've asked specific questions that should be personal decisions, (themes, ideas, sponsor pricing etc) they have told me they will never tell me what to do on my blog. I'm so thankful for that."
From the bottom of my heart... Good luck to everyone who has a new blog or is thinking of starting one! I love working on A Beautiful Mess every single day. Truth be told, I have goosebumps right now after working on this post. I'm excited for you! If you have more blogging questions feel free to leave them in the comments. Love you guys... Elsie
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