Senin, 31 Desember 2012
Tombol Back/Scroll to Top Dengan Efek Fading & Smooth untuk Blogger
Sudah banyak sobat blogger yang menanyakan tentang tombol back to top (tombol kembali ke atas) Blogger yang saya gunakan, karena berbeda dengan tombol yang sebelumnya sudah saya bagi. Jika yang lama hanya menggunakan fungsi hashtag pada url HTML (#top atau #), maka yang saya gunakan menggunakan fungsi javascript dan jquery. Tapi saya sempat agak bingung untuk berbagi karena script yang saya
Hal Yang Perlu Dihindari Dalam Optimasi SEO
Setiap bloger atau webmaster pasti pengen blog atau situsnya nangkring di halaman depan mesin pencari terutama Google, termasuk loe juga kan gan?. Cara buat dapetin itu ya dengan mengoptimalkan SEO di blog kita. Tapi banyak hal yang mungkin loe gak tau dalam SEO dan salah kaprah memahaminya yang bakal buat blog loe gak akan pernah muncul di halaman utama Google gan.
Pada postingan kali ini gw pengen share hal-hal yang perlu loe hindari dalam optimasi SEO, biar blog loe bisa bersaing ada di halaman utama Google gan. Cuma sekedar info beberapa hal yang bakal gw jelasin merupakan pengalaman pribadi dan gw pernah nyoba ngelakuinnya gan. Langsung aja disimak baek-baek gan.
Ini istilah kerennya duplicate content gan, hindari loe buat postingan yang sama persis dengan blog laen ato di blog loe sendiri. Menurut gw dan banyak webmaster handal, postingan merupakan #1 yang paling ampuh buat SEO gan. Google paling demen dengan yang namanya postingan, tapi yang memamng bener-bener baru dan menarik gan.
Jangan nyoba deh loe copas artikel orang laen dan pasang di blog loe sama persis dengan aslinya tanpa ngelink back. Silahkan aja kalo mau cari inspirasi dari blog laen buat nulis postingan baru itu sah-sah aja gan. Misal loe mau copas postingan orang laen, loe harus link back ke sumbernya gan biar loe gak dikomplain dan di laporin menduplikasi postingan ntar blog loe bakal di hukum sama om Google gan.
Jangan coba-coba nipu robotnya Google sama trik beginian kalo loe males nulis postingan gan, karena si robot bakal tau coz dia lebih pinter dari kita gan.
Merubah link ato cloaking link ini sering dilakuin buat link yang menghasilkan duit misal link iklan. Memang ada caranya buat merubah link biar gak ketauan sama Google gan apalagi di Wordpress cuma pake plugin loe dengan mudah bisa ngerubah link.
Yang pengen gw tekanin disini adalah pengunjung blog loe, gak ada satu orang pun yang seneng dibohongin termasuk loe bener kagak gan? Nah dengan loe ngerubah link sama juga loe nipu pengunjung, biar ngeklik link yang menuju ke halaman tertentu yang gak mereka inginin. Mereka tentu bakal kecewa dan bakal berpikir dua kali buat balik lagi ke blog loe, kepercayaan terhadap blog loe hilang gan.
Resiko yang paling parah kalo ketauan Google, blog loe bakal lenyap dari mesin pencari gan. Ini bukan omong kosong gan, gw pernah nyoba dan merasakan akibatnya. Postingan gw yang ada di halaman depan Google ilang gitu aja gak tau kemana, gw cariin ampe 10 halaman gak ada juga. Akhirnya gw perbaharui lagi blog gw, ya lumayan beberapa bisa kembali tapi prosesnya lama gan.
Kalo loe buat situs ato blog untuk program affiliate, cloaking ini perlu gan. Keuntungannya bikin urlnya lebih rapi, terus pengunjung udah tau kalo dia bakal ngeklik link affiliate jadi gak perlu takut juga buat nambah persentase klik gan. Dan sejauh ini Google masih baik-baik aja sama affiliate link, dan kalo loe mau cloaking affiliate link inget di nofollow gan.
Pengen biar blog rame dikunjungi, terus buat judul yang menarik tapi isi postinganya gak ada kaitanya sama judul. Wah ini penipuan juga namanya gan, robot Google bakal gak peduli sama postingan loe. Dijamin postingan loe gak akan dapet rangking yang bagus di pencarian Google gan.
Bukan cuma itu aja, pengunjung blog bakal kecewa berat kalo blog yang mereka kunjungi cuma judulnya doank yang menarik tapi isinya bullshit ya kan gan.
Jangan pernah loe lakuin hal ini gan, misal loe buat warna teks sama ama warna background blog loe dengan maksud dan tujuan tertentu. Misal biar keyword loe jadi banyak biar dapet rangking bagus di mesin pencari, gak bakal mempan gan. Dan dijamin blog loe bakal dikeluarin dari mesin pencari dan gak bakal pernah di index. Sekali lagi jangan coba-coba ngalakuin black hat SEO gan resikonya besar.
Alt tag sama anchor teks ini sangat penting buat SEO gan. Alt tag di image bakal ngemudahin robot Google tau gambar apa sih di blog loe gan. Inget selalu namain alt tag gambar yang ada kaitanya sama kata kunci, tapi jangan berlebihan pake nama alt tag dengan kata kunci ntar blog loe di hukum sama Google gan.
Untuk anchor teks yang belum tau adalah teks yang loe isi link jadi kalo pengunjung ngeklik teks itu bakal dibawa ke halaman laen gan. Dengan adanya anchor teks bisa ngemudahin pengunjung buat pindah halaman juga gan. Kalo buat anchor teks yang relevan juga sama link tujuannya jangan nipu gan.
Jangan terlalu pusing dengan yang namnya SEO gan. Gak usah terlalu over loe ngoptimalin SEO blog karena blog loe bakal kena hukum kalo terlalu di optimasi. Gw punya blog yang optimasi SEOnya bisa dibilang hancur gan, tapi kenyataanya blog gw itu hampir semua postinganya ada di halaman depan Google.
Buatlah postingan yang menarik gan dari pada loe pusing dengan optimasi SEO. Blog yang punya konten yang menarik tanpa optimasi SEO yang berlebihan bakal lebih di hargai mesin pencari dari pada blog yang optimasinya bisa dibilang perfect tapi kontenya buruk gan.
Backlink memang salah satu cara mengoptimalkan SEO secara off page, tapi kesalahan dalam memilih backlink bisa berakibat fatal gan. Bukannya blog loe dapet page rank yang tinggi tapi bisa-bisa di anggep spam sama Google.
Jangan pernah membeli backlink walaupun blog loe dijanjiin bakal dapet pagerank tinggi. Usahain jangan daftarin blog loe ke situs link exchnage gan. Kalo loe mau tukeran link sesama bloger usahain dengan blog yang relevan dan dofollow. Backlink yang buruk bakal ngerusak blog loe.
Loe harus inget backlink itu masalah kualitas bukan jumlah gan. Ow ya lupa gan, jangan loe susah payah nyari backlink kesana kemari, fokus buat konten yang bagus dan gw yakin loe bakal dapet backlink secara alami dan Google demen dengan backlink alami.
Info : Jangan pernah percaya gitu aja sama semua yang loe baca di internet tentang SEO sebelum loe mencoba gan. Loe harus tetep melakukan uji coba dan belajar terus tentang SEO gan.
Sekian dulu yang bisa gw share kali ini, semoga aja ini bermanfaat buat kalian gan. Kalo punya tips SEO silahkan di share disini, dan jangan lupa komentarnya gan.
Pada postingan kali ini gw pengen share hal-hal yang perlu loe hindari dalam optimasi SEO, biar blog loe bisa bersaing ada di halaman utama Google gan. Cuma sekedar info beberapa hal yang bakal gw jelasin merupakan pengalaman pribadi dan gw pernah nyoba ngelakuinnya gan. Langsung aja disimak baek-baek gan.
Hal Yang Perlu Dihindari Dalam Optimasi SEO
1. Postingan Yang Sama
Ini istilah kerennya duplicate content gan, hindari loe buat postingan yang sama persis dengan blog laen ato di blog loe sendiri. Menurut gw dan banyak webmaster handal, postingan merupakan #1 yang paling ampuh buat SEO gan. Google paling demen dengan yang namanya postingan, tapi yang memamng bener-bener baru dan menarik gan.
Jangan nyoba deh loe copas artikel orang laen dan pasang di blog loe sama persis dengan aslinya tanpa ngelink back. Silahkan aja kalo mau cari inspirasi dari blog laen buat nulis postingan baru itu sah-sah aja gan. Misal loe mau copas postingan orang laen, loe harus link back ke sumbernya gan biar loe gak dikomplain dan di laporin menduplikasi postingan ntar blog loe bakal di hukum sama om Google gan.
Jangan coba-coba nipu robotnya Google sama trik beginian kalo loe males nulis postingan gan, karena si robot bakal tau coz dia lebih pinter dari kita gan.
2. Merubah Link
Merubah link ato cloaking link ini sering dilakuin buat link yang menghasilkan duit misal link iklan. Memang ada caranya buat merubah link biar gak ketauan sama Google gan apalagi di Wordpress cuma pake plugin loe dengan mudah bisa ngerubah link.
Yang pengen gw tekanin disini adalah pengunjung blog loe, gak ada satu orang pun yang seneng dibohongin termasuk loe bener kagak gan? Nah dengan loe ngerubah link sama juga loe nipu pengunjung, biar ngeklik link yang menuju ke halaman tertentu yang gak mereka inginin. Mereka tentu bakal kecewa dan bakal berpikir dua kali buat balik lagi ke blog loe, kepercayaan terhadap blog loe hilang gan.
Resiko yang paling parah kalo ketauan Google, blog loe bakal lenyap dari mesin pencari gan. Ini bukan omong kosong gan, gw pernah nyoba dan merasakan akibatnya. Postingan gw yang ada di halaman depan Google ilang gitu aja gak tau kemana, gw cariin ampe 10 halaman gak ada juga. Akhirnya gw perbaharui lagi blog gw, ya lumayan beberapa bisa kembali tapi prosesnya lama gan.
Kalo loe buat situs ato blog untuk program affiliate, cloaking ini perlu gan. Keuntungannya bikin urlnya lebih rapi, terus pengunjung udah tau kalo dia bakal ngeklik link affiliate jadi gak perlu takut juga buat nambah persentase klik gan. Dan sejauh ini Google masih baik-baik aja sama affiliate link, dan kalo loe mau cloaking affiliate link inget di nofollow gan.
3. Judul Tidak Relevan
Pengen biar blog rame dikunjungi, terus buat judul yang menarik tapi isi postinganya gak ada kaitanya sama judul. Wah ini penipuan juga namanya gan, robot Google bakal gak peduli sama postingan loe. Dijamin postingan loe gak akan dapet rangking yang bagus di pencarian Google gan.
Bukan cuma itu aja, pengunjung blog bakal kecewa berat kalo blog yang mereka kunjungi cuma judulnya doank yang menarik tapi isinya bullshit ya kan gan.
4. Menyebunyikan Teks
Jangan pernah loe lakuin hal ini gan, misal loe buat warna teks sama ama warna background blog loe dengan maksud dan tujuan tertentu. Misal biar keyword loe jadi banyak biar dapet rangking bagus di mesin pencari, gak bakal mempan gan. Dan dijamin blog loe bakal dikeluarin dari mesin pencari dan gak bakal pernah di index. Sekali lagi jangan coba-coba ngalakuin black hat SEO gan resikonya besar.
5. Lupa Alt Tag Dan Anchor Teks
Alt tag sama anchor teks ini sangat penting buat SEO gan. Alt tag di image bakal ngemudahin robot Google tau gambar apa sih di blog loe gan. Inget selalu namain alt tag gambar yang ada kaitanya sama kata kunci, tapi jangan berlebihan pake nama alt tag dengan kata kunci ntar blog loe di hukum sama Google gan.
Untuk anchor teks yang belum tau adalah teks yang loe isi link jadi kalo pengunjung ngeklik teks itu bakal dibawa ke halaman laen gan. Dengan adanya anchor teks bisa ngemudahin pengunjung buat pindah halaman juga gan. Kalo buat anchor teks yang relevan juga sama link tujuannya jangan nipu gan.
6. Optimasi Yang Berlebihan
Jangan terlalu pusing dengan yang namnya SEO gan. Gak usah terlalu over loe ngoptimalin SEO blog karena blog loe bakal kena hukum kalo terlalu di optimasi. Gw punya blog yang optimasi SEOnya bisa dibilang hancur gan, tapi kenyataanya blog gw itu hampir semua postinganya ada di halaman depan Google.
Buatlah postingan yang menarik gan dari pada loe pusing dengan optimasi SEO. Blog yang punya konten yang menarik tanpa optimasi SEO yang berlebihan bakal lebih di hargai mesin pencari dari pada blog yang optimasinya bisa dibilang perfect tapi kontenya buruk gan.
7. Kualitas Backlink
Backlink memang salah satu cara mengoptimalkan SEO secara off page, tapi kesalahan dalam memilih backlink bisa berakibat fatal gan. Bukannya blog loe dapet page rank yang tinggi tapi bisa-bisa di anggep spam sama Google.
Loe harus inget backlink itu masalah kualitas bukan jumlah gan. Ow ya lupa gan, jangan loe susah payah nyari backlink kesana kemari, fokus buat konten yang bagus dan gw yakin loe bakal dapet backlink secara alami dan Google demen dengan backlink alami.
Info : Jangan pernah percaya gitu aja sama semua yang loe baca di internet tentang SEO sebelum loe mencoba gan. Loe harus tetep melakukan uji coba dan belajar terus tentang SEO gan.
Sekian dulu yang bisa gw share kali ini, semoga aja ini bermanfaat buat kalian gan. Kalo punya tips SEO silahkan di share disini, dan jangan lupa komentarnya gan.

Suya Subrata
Surya adalah seorang Penulis Blog dan Internet Marketer. Menyukai hal yang berkaitan dengan SEO. Hobinya maen PS dan Nonton Bola. Mulai menyukai dunia Webmaster sejak 2009.
Pengen kenal lebih dekat dengan Surya follow @kuyax_20
Surya adalah seorang Penulis Blog dan Internet Marketer. Menyukai hal yang berkaitan dengan SEO. Hobinya maen PS dan Nonton Bola. Mulai menyukai dunia Webmaster sejak 2009.
New Years Eve drink nibbles
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Cheese and anchovy palmiers |
We were planning for the first time in years to have New Year's Eve just the two of us. It's a least favourite celebration as really it's just the end of the holidays with another year stretching out ahead.
I know this sounds really 'bah humbug' and I do feel batteries are charged and I am well prepared to face anything with a positive attitude but, well let's face it, it's really more of the same old, same old with a few highlights thrown in to keep us all going. I have a lot to be grateful for I do get that, a job I love and great people to work with. A family I adore - yes I don't think that's too strong a word to use. Great, loyal and supportive friends who make me laugh. A husband who is right there at my side to appreciate the good, bad and indifferent. So I am lucky and am happy, but you still won't convince me that New Year is little more than an anticlimax followed by a hangover.
But a few of the aforementioned friends were getting together to ring in the new just up the road from where we live so it looks like our 'Johnnie No Mates New Year' is to be put back in the box for another time.
Having come to the party list late we were asked to bring some exciting nibbles to go with pre-dinner drinks. Now we've all endured the Iceland Christmas advert with piles of prepared nibbles that in reality, whether you buy them from Iceland, Morrisons, Waitrose or M&S, are never the same as they look in the picture. And are certainly not a patch on those you make yourself. So this is on my menu to keep my friends happy before the main event... I would have gone mad with some seafood and pork but having Jewish friends in the mix decided to go for things everyone will be able to eat and hopefully enjoy.
Tiny Yorkshire puddings with roast beef and horseradish sauce.
150g plain flour
150ml semi-skimmed milk
2 medium eggs
1 rib steak (enough to carve 16 small pieces of steak)
horseradish sauce
creme fraiche
Beat the milk and eggs together then add flour and beat to remove all lumps. Heat up a small tart tin with a teaspoon of oil in each section then when it is not quite smoking put in a soupspoon full of the batter mixure. Cook until risen and golden. Allow to cool on wire tray. Fry the steak to the required level of cooking (rare, medium etc) then slice into really small wafer thin pieces. Mix up a small amount of horseradish sauce and creme fraiche. Make a slit in the cold Yorkshire pudding and fill with creme fraiche mixture. Garnish with a piece of beef steak.
Tomato and goat's cheese bruschetta.
1 thin french bread baguette sliced into small slices
olive oil
crushed garlic clove
2 firm medium tomatoes
Soft goats cheese
Mix up olive and garlic and brush onto small slices of french bread. Cook in the oven (180 degrees) for around 25 mins but make sure they don't burn. Allow to cool and put in an airtight container. When ready to serve, soak tomatoes in boiling water for 5 mins then remove skins and pips. Cut into tiny pieces. Spread thin layer of pesto onto bread followed by a thin layer of goats cheese. Garnish with chopped tomato and decorate with fresh basil leaves, salt and pepper.
Palmiers with anchovies and cheese.
1 pack puff pastry
jar anchovies
strong cheddar cheese (grated)
black olives
Cover 2/3 of pastry with grated cheese and fold in the final third and then the cheese covered third again. Roll out into a square, cover with tiny pieces of anchovy and chopped black olive and fold both sides into the corner. With a sharp knife slice into thin slices and cook in a hot oven for around 10-15 minutes. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
Serve with cocktails, champagne and love.
Minggu, 30 Desember 2012
Cara Membuat Contact Form Di Blog
Halaman contact us wajib hukumnya gan, biar pengunjung blog bisa ngirim pesan ke kita kapan pun mereka mau. Dan juga buat loe yang pengen daftar Adsense halaman contact us ini harus ada. Kalo buat halaman contact us cuma isinya tulisan doank gak aysik gan, jadi harus di isi formnya biar keren.
Loe ada niat buat halaman contact us tapi gak tau cara buat formnya. Tenang pada postingan kali ini gw bakal share cara buatnya gan. Gw share cara yang gampang dan gak perlu registrasi2an segala gan, silahkan disimak.
Selain contact form di atas loe juga bisa buat langsung online gan, gak perlu registrasi tinggal masukin alamat email loe aja dan contact form siap dipasang di blog. Gw pake ini form gan, simple dan gampang cuman sayang bahasanya english. Kalo mau buat loe langsung cek di Foxyform. Bisa juga loe buat di Jotform.
Yang lainnya ada juga tapi harus registrasi gan misal : EmailMeForm, 123 Contact Form, Kontactr atau My Contact Form, pilih aja sesuka hati loe semua gratis gan.
Sekian dulu gw share cara buat contact us form di blog gan, semoga bermanfaat buat kalian. Kalo loe punya tips laen silahkan di share jangan malu-malu, dan inget jangan lupa berkomentar gan.
Loe ada niat buat halaman contact us tapi gak tau cara buat formnya. Tenang pada postingan kali ini gw bakal share cara buatnya gan. Gw share cara yang gampang dan gak perlu registrasi2an segala gan, silahkan disimak.
Cara Membuat Contact Us Form Di Blog
- Pertama loe masuk ke Blogger terus dari buat Page baru judulnya misal Contact Us lalu copy kode dibawah ini gan and pastein di mode HTMLnya. Kalo udah save lalu di close jangan di publish dulu.
<div style="border: solid 1px #000000;"><form action="" id="ContactUsCaptchaWebForm" method="post" onsubmit="return ValidateForm(this);">
<input name="skip_WhereToSend" type="hidden" value="Alamat Email Loe" />
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<input name="skip_WhereToReturn" type="hidden" value="URL Halaman Pesan Terkirim" />
<input name="skip_Subject" type="hidden" value="Contact Form" />
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<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateForm(frm) {
if (frm.Nama.value == "") {alert('Nama harus di isi.');frm.Nama.focus();return false;}
if (frm.Dari.value == "") {alert('Alamat email harus di isi.');frm.Dari.focus();return false;}
if (frm.Dari.value.indexOf("@") < 1 || frm.Dari.value.indexOf(".") < 1) {alert('Tolong masukan alamat email yang benar.');frm.Dari.focus();return false;}
if (frm.Pesan.value == "") {alert('Silahkan kirimkan komentar atau pertanyaan.');frm.Pesan.focus();return false;}
if (frm.skip_CaptchaCode.value == "") {alert('Masukan kode di samping.');frm.skip_CaptchaCode.focus();return false;}
return true; }
function ReloadCaptchaImage(captchaImageId) {
var obj = document.getElementById(captchaImageId);
var src = obj.src;
var date = new Date();
var pos = src.indexOf('&rad=');
if (pos >= 0) { src = src.substr(0, pos); }
obj.src = src + '&rad=' + date.getTime();
return false; }
<br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="width: 600px;"><tbody>
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<tr> <td><b>Nomer Telpon :</b></td> <td><input maxlength="43" name="NomorTelepon" style="width: 350px;" type="text" /></td> </tr>
<tr> <td><b>Email* :</b></td> <td><input maxlength="60" name="Dari" style="width: 350px;" type="text" /></td> </tr>
<tr> <td><b>Pesan* :</b></td> <td><textarea cols="40" name="Pesan" rows="7" style="width: 350px;"></textarea></td> </tr>
<tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody>
<tr><td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom: 18px;"><a href="" rel="nofollow" style="color: #000099; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">
Kontak form ini dilindungi dari SPAM by :
<span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></a></td></tr>
<tr valign="top"><td><i>Masukan kode berikut*.</i>
<input maxlength="6" name="skip_CaptchaCode" style="width: 80px;" type="text" /></td><td><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img alt="Web Form Code" src="" id="CaptchaImage" style="margin-left: 20px;" title="Anti-spam web forms" /></a></td></tr>
* Harus Di Isi.
<input name="skip_Submit" type="submit" value="Kirim" /></td></tr>
- Lalu buat page baru lagi gan, ini buat redirect halaman pas pesan udah terkirim. Loe bisa buat isinya mungkin "selamat pesan anda sudah terkirim" ato apalah terserah loe gan. Kalo udah beres tinggal di publish gan.
- Langkah selanjutnya loe edit kode kontak form yang tadi, tinggal ganti Alamat Email Loe dengan alamat email kemana pesannya bakal dikirim, terus buat URL Halaman Pesan Terkirim loe ganti sama URL page yang tadi udah loe buat. Semua beres tinggal di publish aja gan. Sekarang loe udah punya contact form baru.
- Kalo mau edit kata-katanya silahkan aja gan tapi jangan ampe salah ntar gak berfungsi contact formnya.
Selain contact form di atas loe juga bisa buat langsung online gan, gak perlu registrasi tinggal masukin alamat email loe aja dan contact form siap dipasang di blog. Gw pake ini form gan, simple dan gampang cuman sayang bahasanya english. Kalo mau buat loe langsung cek di Foxyform. Bisa juga loe buat di Jotform.
Yang lainnya ada juga tapi harus registrasi gan misal : EmailMeForm, 123 Contact Form, Kontactr atau My Contact Form, pilih aja sesuka hati loe semua gratis gan.
Sekian dulu gw share cara buat contact us form di blog gan, semoga bermanfaat buat kalian. Kalo loe punya tips laen silahkan di share jangan malu-malu, dan inget jangan lupa berkomentar gan.
Carrot and butterbean soup
This is the perfect antidote to all the overeating - a homemade soup that is good for you, low in fat, has a bit of carb and fibre, is incredibly cheap to prepare and will fill you up. Serve with crusty bread.
Enough for four people.
About 500g carrots peeled and chopped
Small tin tomatoes
1pint chicken stock
2x400g good quality butterbeans
1 onion chopped
olive oil
1 small sweet potato diced(optional)
Fry onion until soft in olive oil. Add all the other ingredients except the butterbeans. Cook until soft and then either mash (I have done this as I like a chunkier soup) or liquidise. Rinse the tinned butterbeans then add along with pepper to taste. Warm through and serve. Delicious!
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Carrot and butterbean soup |
About 500g carrots peeled and chopped
Small tin tomatoes
1pint chicken stock
2x400g good quality butterbeans
1 onion chopped
olive oil
1 small sweet potato diced(optional)
Fry onion until soft in olive oil. Add all the other ingredients except the butterbeans. Cook until soft and then either mash (I have done this as I like a chunkier soup) or liquidise. Rinse the tinned butterbeans then add along with pepper to taste. Warm through and serve. Delicious!
Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012
10 Hal Penting Setelah Menginstall WordPress
Buat pemula yang baru belajar menggunakan blog Wordpress self hosting pasti bingung apa yang harus dilakuin setelah menginstal Wordpress iya kagak gan? Itu hal wajar namanya juga pemula. Tujuan utama kita buat blog adalah buat sharing sesuatu ke orang lain di internet dan so pasti pengen blog kita nagkring di halaman depan om Google.
Pada postingan kali ini gw bakal share hal-hal penting yang mesti loe lakuin setelah menginstal blog Wordpress gan biar kedepanya blog loe aman dan lancar. Silahkan disimak baik-baik gan.
Pada saat loe install Wordpress bakal dikasi nama sama password bawaan dari sononya, nama biasanya admin untuk password campuran angka sama huruf. Loe harus rubah tu nama sama passwordnya biar aman dan juga biar loe gak kelupaan sama passwordnya yang susah dihafalin gan.
Caranya dari Dashboard WP loe cari Users lalu pilih Add New gan. Tinggal di isi tu semua formnya sesuai selera loe kalo udah beres tinggal di klik Add New User. Abis itu loe delete aja nama admin yang lama gan.
Permalink bawaanya Wordpress pake angka ID artikel misal gak bagus ni buat SEO gan jadi loe musti ganti permalinknya. Caranya masuk Wordpress lalu di Dashboard pilih Settings dan klik Permalinks. Di permalinks loe centang Post names /%postname%/ gan, beres lalu Save Changes.
Pas pertama buat blog atau situs mungkin gak bakal ada komen2 spam gan tapi nanti pas blog loe udah banyak yang ngeklik dijamin komen spamnya bakal bejibun, nah buat nangkalnya loe aktifin tu plugin Askimet gan. Biasanya pas nginstall udah ada tapi tergantung installernya juga, kalo belum ada loe install dulu baru di aktifin.
Cara ngaktifinya dari Dashboard loe pilih Plugins lalu cari si Askimet dan klik Activate gan. Di halaman Askimet Configuration loe bakal disuruh masukin Askimet API Key. Buat dapetinnya loe klik aja Get key gan tinggal registrasi gampang ntar API key loe dikirim ke email. Kalo udah dapet tinggal isiin ke kotak kosongnya lalu klik Update options. Sekarang blog loe aman dari spam gan.
Yang ini penting gan buat backup database blog loe secara otomatis jadi gak perlu susah-susah loe backup dari cpanel ato client server. Loe harus rutin ngebackup database WP gan buat menghindari hal2 yang gak di inginkan misal database loe korup ato di delete sama servernya jadi isi blog loe gak ilang kan brabe kalo ampe ilang semua.
Loe bisa pake plugin WP-DB-Backup ato WP-DBManager gan. Tinggal di seting aja automatic scheduling backupnya ntar masukin aja alamat email loe biar kalo pluginya ngebackup loe bakal di email gan. Beres pluginya bakal kerja buat backup secara otomatis gan.
Loe pasti pengen donk tampilan blog yang keren, sekarang saatnya upload theme pilihan loe gan. Kalo belum punya theme bisa cek disini. Cara uploadnya gampang langsung dari dashboard aja lalu pilih Apperance dan klik Themes. Di halaman themes pilih tab Install Themes lalu klik upload gan. Sekarang tinngal di Browse aja theme yang udah loe download di komputer lalu klik Install Now terus tinggal dipilih theme yang udah di upload dan klik Activate gan.
Cuma sekedar saran gan, pilih theme yang sederhana dan bersih jangan yang banyak slidenya apalagi pake flash biar lebih SEO friendly.
Tujuan buat homepage biar situs loe jadi lebih profesional gan. Cara buat homepagenya cek disini gan.
Peran sosial media buat SEO sangat penting banget gan jadi loe perlu pasang share button di blog WP. Biar pengunjung gampang share postingan loe ke sosial media dan imbasnya jumlah pengunjung bakal bertambah gan. Loe bisa pake plugin Digg Digg ato Sexybookmarks. Kalo mau pasang tanpa plugin tapi pake widget cek disini.
Buat yang ini loe bisa baca tutorialnya disini.
Biar blog WP loe jadi cepet gan. Loe tinggal install cache plugin, yang paling populer loe bisa pake W3 Total Cache ato WP Super Cache gan. Kalo server loe lemot ato gratisan gw saranin pake Hyper Cache Extended, loe bisa cek infonya disini.
Yang terakhir dan sangat berperan ngoptimalin SEO blog loe gan, dengan plugin ini hidup loe bakal lebih mudah. Si plugin bakal kerja buat blog loe biar ada di halaman utama mesin pencari gan. Tapi harus tetep loe inget kunci sukses SEO ada di isi postingan loe. Buat pluginya gw saranin pake WordPress SEO by Yoast gan, mantap banget ni plugin dijamin. Loe bisa cek infonya disini dan buat setingnya disini.
Sekian dulu share dari gw gan, semoga bermanfaat buat loe yang baru buat blog pake WordPress. Kalo punya tips seputar WordPress silahkan di share, dan jangan lupa komentarnya gan.
Pada postingan kali ini gw bakal share hal-hal penting yang mesti loe lakuin setelah menginstal blog Wordpress gan biar kedepanya blog loe aman dan lancar. Silahkan disimak baik-baik gan.
10 Hal Penting Setelah Menginstall WorPress
1. Ganti Username & Password
Pada saat loe install Wordpress bakal dikasi nama sama password bawaan dari sononya, nama biasanya admin untuk password campuran angka sama huruf. Loe harus rubah tu nama sama passwordnya biar aman dan juga biar loe gak kelupaan sama passwordnya yang susah dihafalin gan.
Caranya dari Dashboard WP loe cari Users lalu pilih Add New gan. Tinggal di isi tu semua formnya sesuai selera loe kalo udah beres tinggal di klik Add New User. Abis itu loe delete aja nama admin yang lama gan.
2. Rubah Struktur Permalink
Permalink bawaanya Wordpress pake angka ID artikel misal gak bagus ni buat SEO gan jadi loe musti ganti permalinknya. Caranya masuk Wordpress lalu di Dashboard pilih Settings dan klik Permalinks. Di permalinks loe centang Post names /%postname%/ gan, beres lalu Save Changes.
3. Aktifin atau Install Askimet
Pas pertama buat blog atau situs mungkin gak bakal ada komen2 spam gan tapi nanti pas blog loe udah banyak yang ngeklik dijamin komen spamnya bakal bejibun, nah buat nangkalnya loe aktifin tu plugin Askimet gan. Biasanya pas nginstall udah ada tapi tergantung installernya juga, kalo belum ada loe install dulu baru di aktifin.
Cara ngaktifinya dari Dashboard loe pilih Plugins lalu cari si Askimet dan klik Activate gan. Di halaman Askimet Configuration loe bakal disuruh masukin Askimet API Key. Buat dapetinnya loe klik aja Get key gan tinggal registrasi gampang ntar API key loe dikirim ke email. Kalo udah dapet tinggal isiin ke kotak kosongnya lalu klik Update options. Sekarang blog loe aman dari spam gan.
4. Install WordPress Database Backup
Yang ini penting gan buat backup database blog loe secara otomatis jadi gak perlu susah-susah loe backup dari cpanel ato client server. Loe harus rutin ngebackup database WP gan buat menghindari hal2 yang gak di inginkan misal database loe korup ato di delete sama servernya jadi isi blog loe gak ilang kan brabe kalo ampe ilang semua.
Loe bisa pake plugin WP-DB-Backup ato WP-DBManager gan. Tinggal di seting aja automatic scheduling backupnya ntar masukin aja alamat email loe biar kalo pluginya ngebackup loe bakal di email gan. Beres pluginya bakal kerja buat backup secara otomatis gan.
5. Upload Theme Wordpress Baru
Loe pasti pengen donk tampilan blog yang keren, sekarang saatnya upload theme pilihan loe gan. Kalo belum punya theme bisa cek disini. Cara uploadnya gampang langsung dari dashboard aja lalu pilih Apperance dan klik Themes. Di halaman themes pilih tab Install Themes lalu klik upload gan. Sekarang tinngal di Browse aja theme yang udah loe download di komputer lalu klik Install Now terus tinggal dipilih theme yang udah di upload dan klik Activate gan.
Cuma sekedar saran gan, pilih theme yang sederhana dan bersih jangan yang banyak slidenya apalagi pake flash biar lebih SEO friendly.
6. Buat Homepage
Tujuan buat homepage biar situs loe jadi lebih profesional gan. Cara buat homepagenya cek disini gan.
7. Pasang Sosial Share Button
Peran sosial media buat SEO sangat penting banget gan jadi loe perlu pasang share button di blog WP. Biar pengunjung gampang share postingan loe ke sosial media dan imbasnya jumlah pengunjung bakal bertambah gan. Loe bisa pake plugin Digg Digg ato Sexybookmarks. Kalo mau pasang tanpa plugin tapi pake widget cek disini.
8. Buat Feed di Feedburner
Buat yang ini loe bisa baca tutorialnya disini.
9. Install Cache Plugin
Biar blog WP loe jadi cepet gan. Loe tinggal install cache plugin, yang paling populer loe bisa pake W3 Total Cache ato WP Super Cache gan. Kalo server loe lemot ato gratisan gw saranin pake Hyper Cache Extended, loe bisa cek infonya disini.
10. Install SEO Plugin
Yang terakhir dan sangat berperan ngoptimalin SEO blog loe gan, dengan plugin ini hidup loe bakal lebih mudah. Si plugin bakal kerja buat blog loe biar ada di halaman utama mesin pencari gan. Tapi harus tetep loe inget kunci sukses SEO ada di isi postingan loe. Buat pluginya gw saranin pake WordPress SEO by Yoast gan, mantap banget ni plugin dijamin. Loe bisa cek infonya disini dan buat setingnya disini.
Sekian dulu share dari gw gan, semoga bermanfaat buat loe yang baru buat blog pake WordPress. Kalo punya tips seputar WordPress silahkan di share, dan jangan lupa komentarnya gan.
Jumat, 28 Desember 2012
5 FREE Effective Ways to Generate Traffic to Your Website
If you own a website then you are certainly concerned with getting it noticed and increasing your traffic. However, you might not have a large budget for advertising or marketing and simply don’t know what to do to get your website noticed without spending a lot of money. Well, the following 5 tips will help you generate FREE traffic to your website
Tip #1 Submit to Directories
Submitting your website to directories is generally free and all you have to do is provide your website’s URL, a brief description, and then your site will be listed in the directory for people to browse. In addition, not only will people be able to browse the listings, but your site will also have more one way links pointing back to your site that will increase your rankings in the search engines.
Tip #2 Submit to Search Engines
If you want to get your site noticed then you want to make it easy on web surfers to find your site. So, submit your site to the search engines to have it indexed. Then, when people search the web for certain keywords they just might find your site and drop by to take a look.
Tip #3 Reciprocal Links
Reciprocal links are another good idea if you are interested in increasing your search engine rankings. Simply trade links with other websites and you host their link on your site and they host your link on their site. This does not take much effort or time and once you have the links you will basically have free advertising.
Tip #4 Include Your URL Everywhere
Your URL needs to be on all types of communication you use. For example, make sure your URL is included on your stationary, business cards, in all of your e-mails, and the like. When your URL is posted everywhere you will surely increase your site’s traffic.
Tip #5 Email List
You can create an email list from all the visitors that have visited your website and periodically send those updates advertising different services or specials. Make it easy to unsubscribe, too. Before you know it you will have more people visiting your site and others recommending your site as well.
Cara Membuat Author Box Dibawah Postingan Blogger
Mungkin loe sering liat blog dari Blogger yang ada profil author dibawah postinganya ya gak gan? Pengen blog loe ada kotak profil author di bawah postingannya. Kalau di Wordpress loe tinggal pake plugin gampang gak perlu repot tapi di Blogger harus edit template gan. Tapi tenang di postingan kali ini gw bakal share cara buatnya gan silahkan disimak.
Sebelum kita mulai gw mau jelasin sedikit kegunaan kotak tersebut gan. Yang petama tentu buat ngasi tau ke pengunjung blog siapa penulis dari postingan tersebut, terus buat blog yang punya lebih dari satu penulis ini berguna banget, karena profil authornya bakal beda-beda di setiap postingan gan tergantung siapa penulisnya. Yang terakhir tentu foto si penulis bakal ada di setiap postingan yang dia buat.
Info : Inget selalu backup atau download template blog loe sebelum ngedit HTML buat menghindari hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan gan.
Cek ini gan >>> Edit Template Blogger Versi Baru
Sekian dulu tips dari gw gan semoga bermanfaat buat kalian. Kalo ada masalah sama cara buat kotak profil authornya silahkan kontak gw gan. Jangan lupa berkomentar gan.
Sebelum kita mulai gw mau jelasin sedikit kegunaan kotak tersebut gan. Yang petama tentu buat ngasi tau ke pengunjung blog siapa penulis dari postingan tersebut, terus buat blog yang punya lebih dari satu penulis ini berguna banget, karena profil authornya bakal beda-beda di setiap postingan gan tergantung siapa penulisnya. Yang terakhir tentu foto si penulis bakal ada di setiap postingan yang dia buat.
Info : Inget selalu backup atau download template blog loe sebelum ngedit HTML buat menghindari hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan gan.
Cek ini gan >>> Edit Template Blogger Versi Baru
Cara Membuat Kotak Profil Author Dibawah Postingan Blogger
- Pertama masuk ke Blogger lalu dari dashborad blog loe pilih Template terus Edit HTML. Lalu teken Ctrl + F gan dan cari kode ]]></b:skin> terus copy kode di bawah ini dan pastein di atasnya gan.
- Kalo udah di pastein kode CSS tadi kilik Save template gan. Lanjut ke langkah selanjutnya loe pasang kode di bawah ini di saat buat postingan tapi di mode HTML gan. Pasteinya di bawah dari akhir postingan loe.
- Sekarang tinggal di loe edit aja nama author sama deskripsi author dan ganti url foto authornya kalo udah beres tinggal di Publish gan postinganya, lalu coba buka blog loe dan cari postinganya pasti kotak authornya udah nongol gan.
- Cara diatas buat nambahin kotak authornya secara manual gan. Kalo loe mau cara yang otomatis, jadi pas buat postingan gak perlu nambahin kode lagi udah langsung kotak profil authornya bakal muncul sendiri caranya gini gan :
- Dari dashboard blog loe pilih lagi Template terus Edit HTML dan centang Expand Widget Template. Lalu teken Ctrl + F dan cari kode <data:post.body/> yang di bawahnya ada kode seperti ini <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> gan. Terus copy kode dibawah ini dan pastein di antara kedua kode tadi.
- Abis dipastein edit aja nama, deskripsi sama url foto authornya gan, lalu Preview dulu kalo gak ada masalah klik Save template gan. Beres sekarang tiap loe buat postingan kotak profil authornya bakal muncul di bawah postingan loe secara otomatis gan.
Sekian dulu tips dari gw gan semoga bermanfaat buat kalian. Kalo ada masalah sama cara buat kotak profil authornya silahkan kontak gw gan. Jangan lupa berkomentar gan.
How To Start Your Blog With A Bang
I receive questions often from people who have just started their first blog and are looking for tips. Two years ago I blogged 5 Tips For Bloggers and while I still stand behind those tips I want to dive in a little deeper today! Recently my friend and co-worker, Kinsey, started her first blog Sincerely, Kinsey. As she prepared to start her blog and developed it for the first six months I had a chance to mentor her a little bit. In this article I'll share the advice that I gave to Kinsey and she will share about her experiences and perspectives as a brand new blogger with you too!
Most people blog about more than one subject, but it's good to choose a general theme for your blog. This is the category that you would use to describe your blog in one word such as Fashion, Craft, Lifestyle or Photography. When choosing a theme think about which subject you are most passionate about. Are you experienced with this subject? Do you have LOTS of ideas for posts on this subject? Do you feel confident about your ability to share content about this subject every week? Those are all great reasons to choose a theme!There are also some not-so-good reasons why people choose themes for their blogs. Is your main goal to get free items? Are you choosing this theme because you admire another blogger and want to be just like them? Also a lot of people start blogging based on trends they see other people writing about and not something that they personally gave a lot of development to. If you start blogging based on what you see other people doing then the chances are good that in six months you'll feel uninspired and in need of change.
Once you've chosen your theme spend some time (weeks or maybe even months) filling journals with ideas and inspiration for your concept. Try to think of ideas that you haven't seen anyone do before. Try to develop concepts that play off of your strengths. Are you a great writer? An exceptional photographer? Are you extremely knowledgeable about your subject? Use your strengths to create ideas that are unique and will be fun for you to work on week after week!
Kinsey, When you were choosing your theme what advice did I give you? Do you have any tips for brand new bloggers who are still choosing a theme?
"This was one of the most crucial decisions I had to consider before launching my blog. As Elsie suggests above, I spent a good three months developing my ideas, vibe, content, look, and name. Working for Red Velvet gave me an instant urge to start blogging right away, but I'm so thankful I waited a bit to start cultivating the themes and content of my blog and truly believe it made all the difference.
Something I took to heart was in a conversation we had about blogging and you told me to make sure I blog about what I love. With blogging today, there are so many themes to choose from, but if it's not something you're passionate about, no matter how many readers or sponsors you get, you'll eventually get burned out. I really had to evaluate and say,"If I have just a few readers and don't make a dime, would I still blog?" The answer? Yes. But only because my overall theme is something I'm passionate about and would still be doing even if I wasn't blogging about it."
You don't have to blog about everything. If you aren't comfortable with sharing your personal life, don't. If you don't enjoying developing DIY projects, you don't have to create them for your blog. If you think ________ is annoying, skip it! Give yourself complete control and zero obligations to do what other bloggers are doing. Do what you love and be confident about your choices. Some of my very favorite blogs are super focused on just a few things and never branch out much. Doing less can be a strength!
This same principle applies to post frequency. I definitely recommend keeping a regular schedule, but if you can't manage to post every day don't stress out about it! Again, some of my favorite blogs only post a few times per week or only during the weekdays. The most important thing is that you choose a schedule that fits with your lifestyle that you can enjoy creating each week!
Kinsey, What are some popular subjects that you decided to skip on your blog? Do you think this more focused concept has made your blog stronger?
"When choosing subjects on my blog, I really wanted to focus in on my strengths. Just because I love reading it, doesn't mean I have to blog about it! For instance, I really enjoy some food, family oriented, and high fashion blogs, but I choose to steer clear of those subjects because writing about them are not my strong points.
I definitely believe having focused on a couple of really strong concepts has helped my blog immensely. Something I've learned from talking with you, Els, is letting readers be able to define your blog within moments of visiting your blog. You only get one first impression, and if readers can't define what your blog is all about, they might feel a little overwhelmed by your content and unable to relate. When you have a focal point it becomes the "main course" of your blog, making it appealing to the readers you want to attract. But a "do it all" blog can become all side dishes."
In the first year of blogging it's normal to still have some kinks to work out. Give yourself permission to keep developing, changing your routines and regular refining content until you are completely happy. You might be surprised which posts are most popular. You might even be surprised which posts are the most enjoyable for you to create! These unknown factors are completely healthy and it's good to keep your options open. Don't tie yourself down with lots of rules in the first year, allow your content to develop and evolve in a natural way by listening to your readers and most importantly, your instincts!
As I continue to blog, I hope and try to become better each day in cultivating my craft, content, and vibe. While I had in mind the content I wanted to share, over the past couple of months it's been really fun to see how it's beginning to flow more naturally as I learn what I love to post about most."
I am continually shocked by the number of people who come to me asking for blogging advice who don't read blogs. If you can't list off the top 10 blogs you love to read then I highly recommend creating a Bloglovin' account and using it to follow and discover blogs that you enjoy. Create a network for yourself of bloggers who you admire. Make connections through social networking or good ole' fashioned e-mail and keep in touch. One of the ways that my blog grew when it was very young was by cross promoting with my pals. Don't be shy.... make friends! They will encourage you along as you start your blogging journey. Kinsey, How have friendships and connections helped to grown your blog in the first year?
"This has got to be one of bloggings' most cherished attributes. I remember finding out at your wedding Els, that some of your bridesmaids started off as blog pals and thinking it was one of the neatest things. I honestly thought meeting such wonderful people through blogging was just a lucky chance and only happened to those who had been blogging for years. But already I've met some truly sweet friends that I plan on keeping in contact with for years to come. There is such a unique connection with fellow bloggers because they can relate with you in ways that most people in your life can't. It's really beautiful."
For most types of blogs photography is a big deal. I really love stumbling upon a blog I've never seen with amazing photos. In fact, photography is the number one thing that attracts me to most blogs I enjoy! To practice your own photography you don't need a fancy camera or editing software, start with what you have. Try angles and photos that you've never tried. Take 10 more photos than you would normally take to get a better "best" shot. Follow some photography blogs and use their photos as inspiration to try a new effect, lighting or pose. Whatever level you are on, challenge yourself to get to the next level!
Oh... one more question for Kinsey.
Kinsey, Do you have any personal advice for new bloggers. Anything you learned from your first year that you'd like to share?
"Something Elsie and Emma have said that has influenced me so much, (I don't even think they know how big of a difference it has made!) has been when I've asked specific questions that should be personal decisions, (themes, ideas, sponsor pricing etc) they have told me they will never tell me what to do on my blog. I'm so thankful for that."
I receive questions often from people who have just started their first blog and are looking for tips. Two years ago I blogged 5 Tips For Bloggers and while I still stand behind those tips I want to dive in a little deeper today! Recently my friend and co-worker, Kinsey, started her first blog Sincerely, Kinsey. As she prepared to start her blog and developed it for the first six months I had a chance to mentor her a little bit. In this article I'll share the advice that I gave to Kinsey and she will share about her experiences and perspectives as a brand new blogger with you too!
Once you've chosen your theme spend some time (weeks or maybe even months) filling journals with ideas and inspiration for your concept. Try to think of ideas that you haven't seen anyone do before. Try to develop concepts that play off of your strengths. Are you a great writer? An exceptional photographer? Are you extremely knowledgeable about your subject? Use your strengths to create ideas that are unique and will be fun for you to work on week after week!
Kinsey, When you were choosing your theme what advice did I give you? Do you have any tips for brand new bloggers who are still choosing a theme?
"This was one of the most crucial decisions I had to consider before launching my blog. As Elsie suggests above, I spent a good three months developing my ideas, vibe, content, look, and name. Working for Red Velvet gave me an instant urge to start blogging right away, but I'm so thankful I waited a bit to start cultivating the themes and content of my blog and truly believe it made all the difference.
Something I took to heart was in a conversation we had about blogging and you told me to make sure I blog about what I love. With blogging today, there are so many themes to choose from, but if it's not something you're passionate about, no matter how many readers or sponsors you get, you'll eventually get burned out. I really had to evaluate and say,"If I have just a few readers and don't make a dime, would I still blog?" The answer? Yes. But only because my overall theme is something I'm passionate about and would still be doing even if I wasn't blogging about it."
This same principle applies to post frequency. I definitely recommend keeping a regular schedule, but if you can't manage to post every day don't stress out about it! Again, some of my favorite blogs only post a few times per week or only during the weekdays. The most important thing is that you choose a schedule that fits with your lifestyle that you can enjoy creating each week!
Kinsey, What are some popular subjects that you decided to skip on your blog? Do you think this more focused concept has made your blog stronger?
"When choosing subjects on my blog, I really wanted to focus in on my strengths. Just because I love reading it, doesn't mean I have to blog about it! For instance, I really enjoy some food, family oriented, and high fashion blogs, but I choose to steer clear of those subjects because writing about them are not my strong points.
I definitely believe having focused on a couple of really strong concepts has helped my blog immensely. Something I've learned from talking with you, Els, is letting readers be able to define your blog within moments of visiting your blog. You only get one first impression, and if readers can't define what your blog is all about, they might feel a little overwhelmed by your content and unable to relate. When you have a focal point it becomes the "main course" of your blog, making it appealing to the readers you want to attract. But a "do it all" blog can become all side dishes."
Kinsey, How has your blog concept evolved since you started? Has anything about the blogging experience surprised you? How have you re-developed your content since you started?
"I honestly never envisioned falling in love with blogging as much as I have. I've also been surprised at how easy blogging can be, but only when you truly apply each of the previous topics. When you have a theme you love, subjects you're passionate about, driven focus, and a realistic schedule, it becomes a natural, blissful part of your every day life!
As I continue to blog, I hope and try to become better each day in cultivating my craft, content, and vibe. While I had in mind the content I wanted to share, over the past couple of months it's been really fun to see how it's beginning to flow more naturally as I learn what I love to post about most."
"This has got to be one of bloggings' most cherished attributes. I remember finding out at your wedding Els, that some of your bridesmaids started off as blog pals and thinking it was one of the neatest things. I honestly thought meeting such wonderful people through blogging was just a lucky chance and only happened to those who had been blogging for years. But already I've met some truly sweet friends that I plan on keeping in contact with for years to come. There is such a unique connection with fellow bloggers because they can relate with you in ways that most people in your life can't. It's really beautiful."
I take the photography on my blog very seriously. I work hard to find the best lighting and backgrounds. I keep an idea book full of photo ideas to try. I try to improve my skills with each new season. This has paid off in so many ways! It's helped even my personal/family photos to be better, which is a huge plus! I LOVE the challenge of always trying to develop a new skill. I highly recommend getting into the mindset that you are a lifelong learner and that your blog will get better with time!
Kinsey, How has your background as a photographer helped you to develop a better blog? Any advice for new bloggers?
"While snapping photos is something that runs through my blood, I don't think you have to be a professional photographer to have great photos on your blog. I have some close friends that, while they don't have the best equipment, they utilize what they have and take some really great photos. My best advice would be find photography inspiration, scout out great locations that have great shadows, know the best times of day to shoot, and practice! Plus, doing a bit of research is always a great way to learn. Make a commitment to learn one new thing about photography each week and really apply it. This will make it a lot less intimidating than trying to learn it all at once."
I hope you've been inspired by these tips! Since Kinsey started her blog in November it's grown to around 245,000 page views each month. She is a great example of a brand new blogger who is learning, growing and challenging herself every single month!Oh... one more question for Kinsey.
Kinsey, Do you have any personal advice for new bloggers. Anything you learned from your first year that you'd like to share?
"Something Elsie and Emma have said that has influenced me so much, (I don't even think they know how big of a difference it has made!) has been when I've asked specific questions that should be personal decisions, (themes, ideas, sponsor pricing etc) they have told me they will never tell me what to do on my blog. I'm so thankful for that."
From the bottom of my heart... Good luck to everyone who has a new blog or is thinking of starting one! I love working on A Beautiful Mess every single day. Truth be told, I have goosebumps right now after working on this post. I'm excited for you! If you have more blogging questions feel free to leave them in the comments. Love you guys... Elsie
Chris Brown Promotes Wizkid on Instagram,now into Afro Pop
Well, ever since Wizkid‘s interview with Toolz, we didn’t really know how close Chris Brown and Starboy, Wizzy truly were until Wizkid was the surprise guest at Chris Brown‘s Lagos concert.
Even more so, Chris Brown put up Wizkid‘s “Dance For Me” video on his instagram, promoting the Nigerian Prince of Afro Pop to his multitude of fans with the caption:
“ Hardest song out right now!!!! I f**k wit this sh*t tuff! @wizkidayo”
Also, while the “Don’t Judge Me” crooner was out in London, it’s no surprise he had to get down to D’Banj‘s “Oliver Twist” at the club, a tune which is still taking the UK by storm.
I guess this is all just to say that the Nigerian music industry, and African music as a whole, has successfully broken the glass ceiling and somewhat bridged the gap and we are very proud of our stars.
Obasanjo’s mansion on fire
On Thursday 27th December 2012, it was reported that a section of the Abeokuta Hilltop mansion of former President Olusegun Obasanjo was gutted by fire. The fire which was said to have started barely 20 minutes after Obasanjo left the house for an undisclosed place destroyed computers and office appliances.
According to Punch, a source who pleaded anonymity said the fire could have been caused by an electrical fault.
One of the aides to the former President noticed smoke billowing from a section of the mansion about 4.10pm. The aide was said to have raised the alarm to attract the attention of other occupants of the building, including security officials, who quickly moved to stop the fire from spreading to other part of the house.
As news of the fire got out, journalists gathered at the house and Obasanjo also returned after receiving phone calls about the fire. However, instead of receiving a briefing on the cause of the fire, he decided to make jest about the incident.
The mysterious fire was reported to have started from the kitchen section of the mansion at about 5 pm which later spread to other sections within the premises. Obasanjo who expressed appreciation to God said that, ” You have seen that it is only the office of my secretary that is burnt.” He added in Yoruba, “Ile Obasanjo to jo Ewa lobu kun,ile Obasanjo to jo ewa lobu kun. This is translated, ” A king’s house gutted by fire can only add beauty to it.
Adele beats out Rihanna, Gaga and Swift!
Adele tops Forbes’ list of Brightest Music Stars Under 30. The 24- year-old singer has sold over 23-million copies of her latest album, 21. Rihanna, One Direction, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Ke$ha all also made the list. Head to for more details.
Fat Joe gets caught
Actor Wesley Snipes might have a new cellmate now that rapper Fat Joe has also just been found guilty of tax evasion. According to Billboard, the rapper plead guilty to charges that he cheated the government out of roughly 700-thousand dollars in taxes in 2007 and 2008. Fat Joe is free on a 250-thousand dollar bond until his sentencing hearing in April, where he could face up to two years in prison.
Spin club set to capture Lagos with the first ever 24 hours party
To close all doubts and put a stamp to it that Lagos is definitely the fun destination, we decided to add the final, freshest, most fun and fantastic Party to the mix, sort of like saying “if you are not part of this, u didn’t rock Lagos this season..... It’s the first of its kind, what is to become the signature Lagos party of the season , the Spin Club’s 24 hour party , yes you heard right, for 24 hours straight (9am- 9am) Lagos will party hard and its every hour on the hour 24 hours ! Awesome.....right? You bet it is!”
Be a part something fresh, fun, and fantastic. Be part of the first of its kind !
Celebs dropping- in all day and all night
All on offer:
i. Good food
ii. Water games
iii. Small chops &Barbeque
iv. Videogames
v. Drinks & Paper cups everywhere
vi. Football – EPL Matches for the Day !
vii. Real time social uploads
viii. The Best DJs line up in Town-Back 2 back
ix. Karaoke
x. Live performances from the biggest and best
xi. Live Shout outs on the Beat 99.9 fm
xii. Uber-social beautiful people everywhere
xiii. And the masked night party!
Let’s party like rock stars; it will be an awesome way for awesome people in Lagos to end an awesome year !
Guaranteed to be a Fun, Fantastic experience!
Spin Club’s 24 HOUR House Party,
Venue:@ Lagoon Crest Admiralty Lekki -phase 1
Saturday 29th December, 9am – 9am (24 hours Straight)
Access fee: Just Come Have an absolutely fantastic time !
Event by: Spin Club !
Powered by: Ecee, Beat fm, Raypower fm, TFC, BGM magazine, Blackdrum TV and Brooks&Blake
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